Chapter 4

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Today is the day that I will start my plan. My first step is to befriend that bitch. Well, it's easy. Have I mentioned that getting his trust is easy? He trusts anyone who does a good thing on him, even if it's just a tiny one. Here I am, with the boys, waiting for him to arrive. The audacity of this guy to come last as always. Tsk.

"Hyung, our baby Sangie texts me, and he's kind of stuck in the bus stop since it's raining," Mingi told us with a pout. Deserve. Why is he studying here when his house is miles away from here.

"But we'll have our class in five minutes." Seonghwa hyung answered. You can clearly tell how worried he is.

"Hyung, I'll go to him. Mingi, Yunho, tell our professor that we'll be late." San suddenly speaks. I frown and think of a way to stop him.

"No, San. Your class has a quiz today, am I right? So, no." Hongjoong hyung replies firmly.

"Hyung, I'll go get him. I have an umbrella, and I'm excused in a class since I'm part of the student council and we have a meeting today." I tell them cheerfully.

"Are you sure? You don't even talk to him, Wooyoung." Yunho asks me.

"Yes, Yunho. We're in the same circle of friends, duh. So, bye. I'll go to him." I wave as I run towards the bus station.

"Take care of him, hyung." I hear Jongho say as I go.

I'm currently walking, soaking from the rain brought by the strong wind. Come to think of it. I didn't bring an extra umbrella. Should we share in my umbrella? Surely we'll get wet. I glance forward and see him standing at the bus stop. Why won't he sit down?

"Hey, Yeosang. I'm here to bring you to school." I tell him as soon as I reach him. "Oh, you're shivering. Why are you standing like that when you can sit down on there?" I point to the chair.

"Youngie, why would you come here? I thought you have a meeting today?" He asks. Ahm, he remembers that I have a meeting, but the others don't?

"Just answer my question, Yeosang. Why are you standing like an idiot here?" I ask again.

"These cats are going to be soaked in the rain. So I get them, place them in the chair, and cover them with my jacket." He replies, still shivering. Wow. That's all that comes to my mind. He's not even thinking of himself. He's really kind, even in the stray animals.

"Here, have my jacket. I'm wearing long sleeves. You need the hoodie more." I put my hoodie on him.

"Youngie, it's 3:27. I'm late on our quiz." He says nervously. I didn't answer him and just put my hand on his waist and guided him towards our university. I feel my cheeks heating. Am I blushing? Why is my heart beating so fast? Am I sick? It's cold earlier but him, being beside me, gives me warmth.

3:27, what's happening to me? This is a dangerous game.

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