Chapter 7

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"Mr. Jung, please meet me on the faculty. I need to talk to you." Our prof said before leaving the classroom. He's our last class for today, so I'll go straight to him after I finish cleaning my things up.

I feel a presence beside me. And a hand taps on my back. "Woo, I'll wait for you. We can walk together towards the bus stop." Woo, that's a nickname he came up for me. While me, I call him Yeo. I also get angry whenever other people use our nicknames. Those nicknames are ours and ours only.

I smile at him and nod my head. I take his hand and guide him towards the faculty office. Once we reached it, I turned on him and said, "Wait for me here, okay? Don't eavesdrop."

He gags and chuckles, "What do you think of me? I'm a good person, hmm."

"Sure, sure," I reply as I walk towards our prof.


I walk out of the faculty with my head hanging low.

"Woo, what's wrong? Are you alright?" He asks with his soft voice.

"Yeo, what should I do? My math is on thick ice. Another fail in test and fail can be seen in my card for sure." I sigh and reach for his hand. He voluntarily brings his hand to mine, and we walk towards our bus stop.

"Don't worry. I can tutor you. I'm good a math, don't you remember?" He smiles. His smile, that smile can take all my worries away.

"Are you sure? Am I not a burden?"

He frowns and answers. "No. How can you ask if you're a burden when you are my friend." Guilt. That's what I felt when I look at his genuine smile and his calming eyes.

"By the way, San said that we should go to our fourth date tomorrow..." He continues speaking as we walk.

I smiled as I thought of a good thing to do.


The morning came, and I picked my best dress for today. This day, I plan to make Yeo come to me rather than San. I get my cellphone and text Yeosang.

"Please meet me at the Aurora cafe, Yeo, please. I need you so bad. Please come right now." I smile as I put my phone in my pocket and march towards the said cafe.


"Woo, what's wrong?" Yeosang asks while brushing the tears away from my cheeks. Yes, I'm crying. I faked it. Once I entered the cafe, I started to make myself cry. So Yeosang will find me in this state.

"Yeo, I can't really understand a single thing in math. I tried my best, but it's difficult." I sniff and hug him. "Tutor me now, please."

"Right now? But I need to meet San."

"Please?" He sighs and gets his phone to text San, and me? I smile at myself. I won.


I frowned as I remembered what happened earlier today. I thought my plan succeeded, not until San came to the cafe. He sat there as he said that he won't disturb us. Well, he didn't. He just sat there while looking at Yeosang with hearty eyes. He also walked Yeo towards his bus stop when I should be the one to do that. I am the one who invited Yeosang, but I'm the one who third wheeled. They walk hand in hand while I stay at their back. I also rolled my eyes as San kissed Yeosang's forehead as a goodbye. San also assured Yeosang that it was their fourth date. Well, it became "Sansang's date with their bestie," as San named it.

The screen of my phone lit up as I grabbed it. A picture of Yeosang and me is the first thing that I noticed. I can feel a blush appear on my face. Did I set that as my lock screen wallpaper? We're cute here. I smile. Then I notice the time. It's 3:27 again.

3:27, I am confused about my feelings. I really am.

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