Chapter 12- Getting Intense (Game Tournament Pt. 2)

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A few hours later and we were still here, the matches were getting pretty intense at this point, we were at round two, and since we were doing a tournament there were two out of five rounds to be done, so we were about halfway through, from what Ms. Yukizome the round that was currently going on was the second to last round of round two.

To be honest, this may just be my lack of confidence speaking but I was honestly really surprised that I was able to make it this far, not that I doubted my gaming skills or anything, in fact I'd like to think I'm good at video games, but honestly with all these people watching me from a pretty close distance, I'm surprised I didn't mess up, but at the same time, the pressure to NOT mess up was on.

After a while, the match was over.

Holy shit, round three here we go, wonder who I'll verse for this one.

Just as I was thinking about that, I was the first person to verse someone for a match... And that person was Makoto.

I just hope this match won't be a monopoly type thing were it ruins friendships.

Welp, time to find out.

We both go, and I take the seat to the right this time, meanwhile he takes the one to the left.

"Good luck" Makoto said to me with a smile.

"Thanks, you too" I say looking back at him, smiling back.

I decide to pick Fox meanwhile he picks Mega Man.

The match begins and the two of us almost immediately start landing hits on the other. 


The good thing I've heard about this character is that he has good edge guard and if a character is hanging off the edge, I can just hit it and not have to worry about falling down and doing everything to try and get myself back up.

I'll definitely be using that one to my advantage, maybe later in the game though because I know how I'll be using that.

But for now, I kind of just focused on using his speed and pivots, along with landing combos and normal hits.

"Why does it seem like you're planning something..." Makoto asks suspiciously.

I don't reply for a few seconds and I just let the question linger in the air for a moment for Added Effect™.

Before saying...

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not" I reply nonchalantly with a shrug.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Makoto look away from the screen for a split second to look at me with a look that screamed 'I'm not buying that'

"You totally are" He says.

I just simply shrug once again.

A few minutes later, I managed to get him at one life left.

Let's finish this.

I use the down tilt move to start a combo, then from there, I do a combo to get knockback, then from there, I'll push him down the edge. 

Once I got him near the edge, I quickly use forward smash, followed by a down smash to get him to fall.

There we go.

We both stand up from our seats, then I say.

"Good game" I say while looking at Makoto.

"I... may have underestimated you" Makoto says with a look of shock on his face, while I just laugh a little.

"Don't underestimate me, friend" I reply in a joking tone.

We both laugh.

"Yeah, good game" He says while giving me a high five.

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