Chapter 29- It's Time To D-D-D-D-Duel!

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It was now the start of a new month, to be exact it was now the last month of school.

School was already over for the day so I was now just in my room and playing games on my computer like I always did.

Also, speaking of being in the last month of school, I just had a sudden realization, this entire year just seemed to go by really really quick. Or maybe it was because- Ok no, not going there, not going to say what I was going to say

I mean they do say that time flies fast when you're having fun, I certainly did a lot this year and it was pretty fun too, and also I guess it's the fact that going to school wasn't literal torture for me anymore, I didn't get picked on by anyone- well, not for a long period of time at least, and I actually made a decent amount of friends that I'm actually satisfied with.

Just as I was deeply immersed in both my game and my own thoughts, I hear my phone vibrate once. Making sure I'm not in a place in my game I can die/mess something up on accident, I look at my phone and I see a message from Makoto there.

MakotoNaegi: Hey! Are you busy?

Y/N_L/N: Uh not really no

Y/N_L/N: Why'd you ask?

MakotoNaegi: I was wondering if you wanted to hang out

Y/N_L/N: Oh, yeah of course

Y/N_L/N: Where do you want to go?

MakotoNaegi: I was thinking the rec room?

Y/N_L/N: Yeah, the rec room sounds good

MakotoNaegi: Alright! When do you wanna go?

Y/N_L/N: I just need to finish this one thing first then I'll be ready to go

MakotoNaegi: Ok, I'll meet you there see you

Y/N_L/N: See you

Well, seems like I know what I'll be doing for the day.

Not gonna lie, I really haven't been to the rec room like almost at all, the last time I went was probably about a few months ago when I hung out with the guys from our class, but like yeah, that's it, I definitely would've expected myself to go there more frequently but I guess not.

Speaking of the rec room, I noticed that it feels like the most popular hangout spot in the school, I mean I see the appeal and I guess that makes sense considering it has a heck ton of games and stuff there, and the games there are really fun.

Ok, I suppose I'm now finished with my game, shutting off my laptop and grabbing my belongings, I head out the door.

I got up to the third floor and into the rec room, seeing Makoto sitting on the chair.

"Hi" I greet him with a wave, to which he waves back.

I look around the room to see what there is to do, then that's when I noticed;

"Huh, when did this get added here?" I say pointing to an air hockey table.

"Oh, I didn't notice that either, they must've added it just recently" He comments while looking in the direction I was pointing.

We both stop talking for a while as we both looked at the air hockey table, I broke the silence by saying;

"Wanna play?" 

"Of course" He starts. "Wanna do a competitive game this time?"

"Sure, let's do it" I say with a nod.

"Alright!" He says putting a hand out.

"May the best... Boy? Win?" He awkwardly says.

"...Sure, may the best boy win, I guess" I replied, also sounding awkward, before giving him a handshake.

After we went to our respective sides of the table, the game begun. I feel like when we established that we were going to do a competitive game we really made it competitive.

The moves that we were making were really... how do I put this? Intense, over the top, and also just really freaking extra for no reason, but still it was really enjoyable nonetheless.

We played a few more rounds for a little while and just like last time we played, Makoto won, then after that we played pretty much all the games there was in the rec room, although not pool because no matter what we did we couldn't understand the rules of it, even when we looked up a really simple guide to it.

We made the decision to count the amount of games we both won and add them all up, and it came to a freaking tie, I mean I'm not really complaining but dang it would've been good to at least have a winner.

Once we were done with everything, we sat down on the table and chairs that were set up for chess, even though we weren't playing.

"Well, that was fun" I say, while also sighing as I was pretty tired from all that

"True, we should do this another time" Makoto agrees.

"Definitely, maybe we can invite Kyoko and Hina next time, it'll really be enjoyable with four people"

"We could actually play one of the card games back there" He replies while pointing behind him, showing the cards that were there.

"That would be fun"

After about a few more minutes of talking and planning the next time we go to the rec room with Kyoko and Hina, we both decide to wrap things up and go back to our rooms for the day, to which I decided to continue what I was doing before Makoto invited me to hang out.

(A/N) Hey, thanks for reading Chapter 29 of this book, I don't really have much to say for this one although stay tuned for the final chapter that's gonna be coming out in either a few minutes (And when I say few I mean probably about 10 minutes or more) to a few hours. Anyways, I'll see you all in the next chapter. Bye.

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