Chapter 8- Swords And Archery

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It was currently lunch break and as per usual I was with Makoto, Kyoko and Hina at our usual spot.

We were talking about whatever mostly to our minds and building up on that, it wasn't until Hina spoke up and said while have a smug look on her face. Oh no.

"Sooo, Y/N, Kyoko"



The two of us said at the same time.

"What were you both doing when you left the party for a while?"

"Nothing in particular, we just sat somewhere and talked" Kyoko answered blankly.

Anddd that's when I started thinking back to when Kyoko and I almost ended up kissing before Hina called me to let us know the countdown was beginning.

"Ooo, is Y/N blushing?" Hina said while teasing me.

"What?" I say with wide eyes.

"Yeah, you are pretty red" Makoto says.

Makoto, why have you betrayed me like this?

"Ok, something definitely went on between you two!" Hina said sounding excited.

Kyoko held a neutral expression the entire time , meanwhile I felt like I was going to actually die.

How the hell does Kyoko manage to do this???

"You even brought him those headphones he now wears!" Hina said to Kyoko while pointing at my headphones that were dangling around my neck.

As they both went on, and by both I mean Hina. 

I felt more things about this all.

I just decided to play it off cool in a way by bringing my knees to my chest, resting my chin on them, then covering my face with my arms, all while zoning out the conversation thinking about things and gazing down at the ground with my eyes.

And what was I happening to think about?

None other than the 'almost' kiss I had with Kyoko, of course.

I swear, ever since it happened I could not stop thinking about it when I was alone. Why?

I found myself often thinking things like:

'What would've happened if it actually happened and Hina didn't end up calling me?'

'Why do I still keep thinking about it?'

'Does she even remember what happened?'

I mentally sigh to myself... 

Except I actually did it audibly.


I look up and I see everyone's eyes were on me.

Hina just looked excited as usual.

Kyoko still had a neutral expression.

And Makoto just looked confused and slightly concerned, I feel you, my guy, I feel you.

"Huh?" I ask while tilting my head slightly to the right.

Why the hell am I playing dumb? 

I mentally facepalm myself at that.

"You seemed lost in thought, what were you thinking about, hmm?" She said with a smug look on her face.

"I- Uh- Um" I stutter while trying to find what to say.

I swear if my face turns red AGAIN-

I was about to say something, but Makoto spoke up.

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