Chapter 19- Have Some Composure! Where Is Your Posture?!

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The time was currently 3AM in the morning, and no matter what I did, I couldn't sleep.

And you wanna know the worst part? I was currently listening to the song Tongue Tied by Grouplove, I don't even think I have to mention who I was thinking about while listening to the song.

Honestly, the past few days, heck especially yesterday, was just all one giant mess.

I remember yesterday after I had a mini freak-out over me realizing I have a crush on Kyoko, I told Hina and Sayaka if I were to confess to her, would she even like me back?

I don't know what it was all about but after I'd said that, Hina just said 'Oh, trust me, you don't have to worry about a thing' I have no idea what it meant or what she was trying to imply, but all I remember was being hella confused over it.

But anyways, enough about yesterday.

I started thinking about the whole confession thing and I just decided, fuck it, I'm doing it.

Mostly because I'm tired of just keeping it inside and also because I don't wanna have to try and not be awkward around Kyoko. But the problem was that I've never had to confess to anyone before so I have no idea how the hell it works.

Goddammit why did I have to decline Hina and Sayaka's recommendation for advice?

There was another person I had in mind to talk to but the problem was I had no idea if they were awake, I mean it's worth a shot isn't it?

I grab my phone from my bedside table and turn it on, squinting my eyes as I tried to adjust to the sudden light from being in the dark, I open the messages app on my phone and send the texts.

Y/N_L/N: Hey

Y/N_L/N: Eito, are you awake?

Before I could think about just deleting the texts and trying again in the morning, I noticed he starts typing.

Eito: Yo

Eito: Wow I wasn't expecting you to be up so early usually you sleep like a log lol

Yeah... he's right about that, I was always known for being a really heavy sleeper, I could literally sleep for like 12 hours at any given moment, and Eito would always tease me for that.

Eito: Is everything ok?

Y/N_L/N: Uh yeah, I just need your advice on something

Eito: Of course, what do you need advice for?

Y/N_L/N: Do you mind if we call, it's probably gonna be really long for me to text?

Eito: Not at all

Eito: Dang must be really serious if you're willing to call for it

That's another thing, I always hated talking on the phone with other people, not only that but no matter who it was it would make me anxious, I'd always avoid talking on the phone at all costs.

But at this point I just didn't care.

Seeing that he called me first, I pick up the phone.

"'Sup dude" I hear him say.

"Uh, nothing much" I say in reply.

"So, tell me what's wrong" 

"Ah, heck, I don't even know where to begin with this" 

"It's alright, take your time, I'll even be here all night if you need it" 

Yep, I definitely made the right choice in asking him, holy shit.

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