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Okay so I may have forgotten to mention that I was having a small chapter of which where Lenore and Jim get properly acquainted. Also there is a troll harem story and in fact it was the original idea for blinded go check it out it's called symbiotic

Rex's point of View

Jim wanted to see the prisoner that we kept in the container, he wanted to question her himself and I was coming along for an extra layer of security

I look down at my friend: Jim sure of this?

My friend nodded as I let him into the prison where the vampire scum sat on the only furniture we gave her surrounded by the UV light to stop her from doing anything

The vampire scowled and showed her teeth as a form of intimidation in response I growled at her but Jim calms me down before anything else could go on

Jim sat down and encouraged me to do the same and let him lean on me for warmth in this cold place: hello I don't think we've formally met my name is James Lake Junior who am I speaking

The vampire: nobody that you need to know are you do you need to know is when I get out of here I'm going to kill you and give your blood deprived corpse to gunmar you're not gonna get anything out of me

Jim removed his glasses to show her his plain eyes which are usually used to intimidate people sometimes I think that's what he was trying to do now: i'm not interested in finding out what gunmar it's up to you I want to know about Dracula

Wait what what does Dracula have to do with any of this he's been dead for thousands of years? However I don't raise those concerns whatever he's planning I know he's going to think of the best way to deal with this problem

The vampire: why do you want to know he's been dead for thousands of years what possible reason would you have for learning about someone that's dead

Jim explain his reasoning: Well it's more along the lines of curiosity I think there's a bunch of rumours spreading around about Dracula and how he tried to end the world or at least the end of the human race but yet we're all still here I'm just wondering what makes you think Gunmar going to be any different

The vampire stand it up and started to piece: well I suppose yesterday with the fact that he was only trying to end humanity to avenge his dead wife the church mistake her for a witch and burned at the stake which obviously infuriated him and he gathered all of us up along with a couple of humans that shared his point of view to wipe out humanity

Jim: oh so he wasn't trying to encage humanity was trying to wipe us all out that obviously didn't go well with his supporters I'm guessing

The vampire: you'll be right about that my sister later revolt against him not that it really mattered the council disappeared along with a bunch of our Army we have no idea where it went or who sent it there it was the last time anyone saw Dracula's Castle

So Dracula's Castle is missing, or she could be telling us a whole batch of lies bro we know the dark army has already ceased at old castle and stripping it of anything valuable. No wait what am I thinking if she was lying Jim would've called her out on it by now

Jim continued asking questions: so what happened after that after the revolt I mean how did all the vampires end up underneath Stonehenge was it?

The vampire hesitated didn't seem to be understanding what my friend was doing but I'm beginning to think I get it he's trying to get her to trust him to show an interest in her perhaps that might work

The vampire: well after that my sister led what was left of the army back to our countryside stronghold with a forge master named Hector and she then came up with this plan to enclose a giant corridor of food at first it sounded like a great idea me and my other sisters were on board with it the only thing we had to do was get Hector's help which I "persuaded" him to do

Jim spoke the true meaning of her words: you threatened him or tricked him I bet

The vampire actually seen impressed: Well yes but that does not mean I didn't care for him we just needed Night Creatures for the corridor however the plan obviously didn't go as planned because of during the time we were getting ready for humans had made an alliance with the werewolves to hunt us down a storm the castle and killed many soldiers but thanks to Hector we were spared that that fate

Jim: oh so Hector betrayed you

The vampire: I wouldn't say he betrayed us I would say that he like to be free then being imprisoned he was the one human that actually managed to convince some of the others that we should just be sealed away in case we were ever needed for the protection of humanity or the world

Jim: because if anything happened to the human race you'd be out of the food supply and if anything happened to the world well you'd all die with it

The vampire: What was the point of these questions I thought you wanted to know more about the army of darkness that's growing underneath your feet, that's what everyone else has been asking me for the past couple of weeks

Jim: well I just wanna ask you what makes you think this time is going to be any different with gunmar as your leader I mean yes he's a great leader if you'd like a dictatorship but humanities won against him before and won against darker odds we beat Dracula and we beat the rest of your vampires what makes you think now is going to be any different

The female vampire looked away for a second she was trying to come up with something I could tell but only silence was her answer, Jim continued: Look I'm not gonna sugarcoat any of this the other werewolves outside want to tell you to pieces and honestly have to trolls and of a magical creatures under my protection want the same thing but I think you're more useful alive so you've Gotta give me something if you want to stay alive

The vampire finally introduced herself: fine my name is Lenore are you happy now?

Jim nodded: it's a good start but you're gonna have to give me something else. How about this you tell me how the Night Creatures are made and who is making them and I can get you another couple of days weeks even

The vampire didn't scene do you want to go for that deal but Jim reminded her: look I know I'm asking you to betray a person that offered you quite literally the world but you have to understand he's lost before And that was back in the Middle Ages with swords and magic this time around is declaring war on the world that's good Monday weapons and nukes if you don't know what those are those are like giant explosions that wipe out anything it's range

Lenore looked at him and she actually looked afraid: okay alright but I want your word that if I help you with this at the very least you will spare my sister is a matter how this goes

Jim agree to those terms: alright I promise not tell me Who makes the Night Creatures and where are they finding all those dead bodies for them

Lenore sat down and explained: Otto apparently since he can change into a human he can trick the magic he's been creating Night Creatures and teaching some of his fellow changelings how to do the same where they getting the dead bodies from I don't know

Jim nodded and got up: alright thank you Lenore I know that this isn't ideal for you but you help me and I'll help you the best of my abilities okay

Lenore rolled her eyes: yeah yeah I know I know I'm a diplomat I negotiate I know how this works but don't expect me to betray my sisters

Alright that's it for this chapter I hope you enjoyed m. now Lenore and Jim have finally met properly anyway so now it's up to Jim to persuade Lenore to help his side. Please don't forget to leave a vote and a comment and I'll see you next time

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