Bad coffee part 1

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Hello everybody I know it's been awhile since I've updated the story so I figured I would give you guys a update today , Admittedly this episode is not going to be as different as it is in the main story but anyway hope you enjoy

Narrators point of view

(just imagine that Jim is blind in the video)

At at school with Jim and Toby walking down the hallways

Toby: so Claire is absent today?

Jim nodded: yeah pretty much along with aja and Krel apparently after the near invasion the other day they having to put extra efforts on making sure the resistance is ready to fight back, my speech helped out a bit but they're still sorely lacking in numbers and strength

Toby nodded: okay and let me guess you let Rex guide our prisoner

His friend nodded again: Yeah he is about the only one I can trust that won't ripped her to pieces are, Frankenstein and the others are busy making sure that all the trolls and other magical creatures remain hidden around the town and not to mention there is something else

Toby confused: what is it is it something to do with gunmar

The Trollhunter shook his head: well him being away from troll market is travelling but that's not the main issue there's a bunch of homeless people gone missing along with a few other people as well they just disappeared without a trace, And as far as I know we've been making sure that the Night Creatures haven't been Taking anyone new and if they were I don't think they would be this clean there's nobody there only a few drops of blood there's no traces of where the people leave have gone

Toby shock for a moment, just how many more trouble is when is the world going to put on their shoulders the fate of the world rested In their hands in both fronts from outer space and on the Earth not to mention the other problems are kept rising up like the lunatics that kept attacking the city trying to kill his best friend or the fact that the devil himself summoned up some of his minions to do it as well life just didn't seem to be giving either of them a break

Then there was the other problem: so any word from z?

Jim shook his head: not exactly the last communication I had with her saying that she found the predator that deserted and brought us a gift but they were taken away by the military as of now she's following them and before you ask no there's no sign of the big guy

Toby: Great is there any actual good news

Jim: Not really seems like our enemies are closing in and we just don't know where, we're still not aware of the complete number of vampires that the army of darkness has at their disposal but thanks to Aaarrrggghhh reconnaissance we know he's got Orix on his side now and a fair a lot of them, so far we haven't heard anything back from the trolls I sent out to try and find help in right now or we can do is wait and pray for the best

Toby: well God doesn't seem to I want to help us out we are hopelessly outnumbered outgunned and to top it all off the army of darkness is getting stronger every day meanwhile we're just struggling to get by

Jim understood his friends frustration matter what they did they didn't seem to be able to win a break: I know how you feel Toby but we must remain positive even in these dark times complaining about it isn't going to help it's just focus on finding solution

Jim's point of view

The truth is Toby has a right to doubt and complain honestly I found myself cursing at my misfortune lately and that I've been trying to maintain positivity and focusing on the small victories so far it's helped but I'm not sure how much longer I can last.

And it sounds like I'm not the only one with problems because as we walk around the corner We interrupt a moment between Steve and his mother's boyfriend the coach to be more precise they try to play it off like Steve has been punished but yeah it's pretty obvious that they were trying to hide something but for the sake of Steve's pride and because he kind of helped us with the warning of the undead serial killers coming back and we've decided to keep our mouths shut

Well cause it doesn't stop him threatening me and which knocks the grave sand out of my bag and miraculously rolls straight into the teachers lounge, since I can't go in there and find it properly I tell Toby to do it after I make a quick distraction. By pretending to fall down and not being able to get back up two of which the teachers instantly take the bait and help me back up to my feet and take me to the nurses office thinking I've hurt myself

It does feel bad to have to use my disability to deceive them but it's for their own good who knows what would happen if they added that into their coffee or something

A little while later
In the changing room
I spoke too soon, in Toby's haste he accidentally grabbed the coffee bean jar in the teachers lounge instead of the grave stone: how was I supposed to tell the difference both the tins look exactly identical!

Toby yelled, but I forgive him so I could've helped either there's too many smells in in the teachers lounge my senses would've all been mixed up and I would lightly ended up making the same mistake

Well there's no point complaining about it now we need to figure out a solution: well there's no point in arguing now, let's just get real tin back before-

I was interrupted by the sound of someone bursting in rather annoyed and slamming his fist against the locker clearly it was Steve not just because of his manner but because I could smell absurd amount of cologne all over him

The windy voice of Eli followed him in: Steve come on calm down I'm sure Coach didn't mean any of it

Oh great it seems like life has thrown us another hurdle that we need to get over and there's only one way we're gonna be able to together

Hi everyone I know this was a relatively short chapter but I wanted to give you guys something since I haven't updated the story in more than two months and anyway I hope you enjoyed please don't forget to leave a comment and a vote and I will see you next time

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