Chapter 3

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Kat's dress is the first one the blue with black lace. Jayde's is in the middle and purple. Least but not last allies is the all blue one on the end. :)

School went by in a daze not paying attention to what my teachers say or what I'm learning. I need to stop doing that before I get really behind in my work... I'm already struggling to understand math which is a pretty decent subject for me. Stupid mate making me stupid. I chuckle at how childish I sound but honestly I do not care at this point. I just want to get talking with him over so I can hopefully talk to Kat and allie tonight.

I groan as final bell rings dragging me out of the class and to my locker. My wolf is excited and it's annoying the heck out Of me. Like can't she tell this will probably end terribly? What if he takes it that I reject him? If he's going to or not he won't take kindly to me doing it first I can tell anyone that. Realizing it's Friday and I have no homework I stick my entire bag in my locker slipping on my leather jacket and closing it.

I walk to the main doors were I assume Mr. Big bad wolf will be waiting for me. I guess today was my lucky day because I was completely right. Leaning against the door frame of the main exit was Lukas in all his glory. The sun was shining through the glass doors making the light reflect of his golden hair. "Like what you see?" Lukas smirked at me.

I decided to say something random and awkward to throw him off like I normally would. "Not really the school shouldn't have the main doors made of all glass. What if someone were to shoot at the windows and break them that's super dangerous for the entire school?" It came out more as a question but I stuck by it. His face showed the clear confusion he was feeling and I tried I remain serious. I had a valid point even if it was to save my butt from explaining me cheating him out.

He's our mate we are allowed to look all we want my wolf purred and I rolled my eyes. "Ummm what?" Lukas asked before bursting into laughter. The idiot was laughing! What I said was a serious matter why in the hell was he laughing? "I-I'm sorry but what? You're so cute. Who thinks of that kind of stuff?" He asks me wiping fake tears away from his eyes. The jerk laughed at me.

I blushed slightly and looked at my feet anyway embarrassed by my odd outburst. "Ok well are we going to go for that walk or what?" Lukas asked me gesturing towards the door. "As ready as a starving cat. catching her first mouse in a month." I ranted on. Again he stopped and stared at me for a second before slightly smiling and ignoring me.

Idiot idiot idiot why would you say that to him? Uggggh. As I was curing myself in my head I didn't realize that Lukas had been talking to me. "Hello helllllo earth to jayde." he looked at me for a second before continuing. "Since you can't hear me I may as well tell you that your outfit makes you look incredibly sexy. "He rambled on. My head snapped to him my face flushing red when I realized what he said.

He looked a little embarrassed that I caught what he was saying too but not near as bad. "Anyway are you going to tell me why you refused to go on a date with me and didn't tell me we were mates?" He asked looking at me seriously. I breathed in deeply and knew I could only tell him part of the answer. I couldn't tell him about my insecurities and why I would make a terrible Luna. I could however tell him I never planned on him finding out and that I would in fact be a terrible Luna. I decided to start there.

"I never planned on you finding out we are mates." I said waiting for him to comment. He looked ready to kill but remained silent. I continued "I was going to avoid you and wait till you decided she wasn't here and move on. You would never have known and eventually you would have found a more suitable mate for the position of Luna." I stated confidently shoving my wolf arguing to the back if my head.

I don't need her to be bothering me at the moment. I needed a clear head and that's not something she could give me at this moment. After I finished I looked up at lukas. He looked beyond pissed now his eyes were shifting between their normal blue and a deep black. I was scared but I knew he couldn't hurt me like he did right? I don't know why he was so angry but for now I need to calm him.

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