Chapter 6

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Her outfit to the side.

I woke up in the morning feeling like crap. I knew I needed I get ready though and get into my normally happy mood or everyone will question me. I hate always having to be happy. I should be able to cry but people just expect too much out of me. a feeling twirls around in my stomach making me sick and I decide to think of something else. I put my phone on the speaker blasting it. the first song that comes on is Fukin' perfect by pink. I myself love that song. I got a quick shower and wrapped a towel around me. I went In my closet and grabbed a dress that had a leather top and had a soft pink flowey bottom. I pulled out high heeled boots to match and slipped both on. I did my makeup a bit heavier then normal adding wings and pulling my hair up and teasing the pony tail so it looks thick. I add some gold jewlwery my favorite being a fake hoop nose ring. I know my father would rip it out my nose if I ever got one but I like the look. after finishing all of that I looked at myself in the mirror. "not bad" I mumble to myself. I walk up the stairs and grab a pop tart. I need to quite eating them for breakfast is becoming a habit. "you better not be dressed up for that boy." Nathan says walking in. I hold back a flinch at hearing his voice. "Of course not just to help cover up from yesterday if I wasn't dressed nicely people would-" "question it I know." He interrupted. I knew that was completely untrue though I was meant to go on a date with Lukas tonight but I know I defiantly can't now. my father would kill me If I even had his scent on me a tiny bit! There's no way I could go on a date with him now... "Oh and throw that away. you could use a few missed meals." Nathan said to me. I nodded quickly throwing the bitten poptart away my stomach twisting in protest. I run out of the house at that maybe get a head start of everyone. just like the other day a car pulls up beside me. "jump in gorgeous." my stomach clenches again. does he really think I'm pretty? I wish he would give up he deserves better... I turn to face him. his eyes sparkled while his wet hair hung limply in his face. He wore a light blue hoodie and that's all I could see but it was more than I'll ever be in just one sight. "no thanks Lukas you've already done so much for me. I'll just walk." I said looking back down at the road. "I would have done more if you would let me." he said. I bit my lip thinking. a loud beep blasted from behind us causing me to jump and Lukas to swerve a bit. "loser get in the car we are going to school." kat screamed from her little light purple punch buggy convertable. You know how some cars have fire streaks on the side of the car? Well kat kinda has that but in zebra stripes with matching zebra striped seats. the car fit her perfectly. I looked at Lukas before sending him a sad smile getting into kat's car. she sent me a look telling me she knew who it was but wasn't going to question it. she knew I was thankful for the privacy. the ride to school was quiet with me just looking out the window and kat looking back at me every few minutes. As soon as kat parked into her normal space I jumped out and ran into the building. I grabbed my stuff along with my extra pair of head phones. I forgot mine at home and no way was I surviving without them all day. I dragged myself into homeroom practically collapsing on the seat. I lazily put my earbuds in my ear and laid my head down. suddenly the earbuds were ripped out of my ears. "what the hell?" I growl lowly letting my eyes unjust to the light again. surprise surprise that In front of me looking irritated was lukas. I raised an eye brow wanting an answer. "what was that today....? You obviously didn't want to get into the car with me." He said. I shrugged my shoulders "not a big deal. I don't want to go on the date anymore. why don't you ask jay-jay I know she would be more than happy." I reply in a bitchy tone. I have to act like I don't care or else he will catch on I remind myself. the thought of being honest with him occurs but I know I couldn't. he couldn't do anything. he would kill Nathan and as much as I hate him, he still is my father. Anger flashed in his eyes before I seen him cover it up. "it is a big deal. before yesterday you were willing to give me a chance and now you take it back telling me to take some whore I don't care about on a date. I don't want to do that I want to know what I did jayde." he answers quietly. I almost give in looking at his face but I resist. I can't give in like that. my world will be thrown upside down If I tell him. "you didn't do anything I just don't want to go on the date anymore." I stated. Just then the teacher walked in to take attendance. Lukas sat beside me shooting me a look saying this isn't over but for now it is.
The bell rang signaling for lunch. Nathan didn't give me money or let me pack my lunch today so I had nothing. I couldn't go into the lunch room with that because I don't want people to keep questioning it people have been all day. I went to my locker and got books out planning on going to the library. right before I got to the doors a strong hand wrapped around my arm and shoved me into a wall. I seen Lukas's angry eyes and flashbacks started pouring in my mind. I couldn't stop them for some reason and the tears bean falling. "no please don't hurt me." I whispered to him. I broke two rules never beg and never cry. I felt his hands go towards my jaw and I tried not to move. I closed my eyes squeezing them tightly. here it comes. "why would I hurt you?" His voice asked softly. I opened my eyes slowly looking at him unsure. As I did I realized my mistake he's going to ask why that happened. he can't know. I got up quickly removing his hands from my face and arm. "forget it don't touch me ever again Lukas. I told you. WE are over." I said storming into the library. if went into the corner of the oldest nonfiction section. no one ever comes back here and I have a bean bag there for when I come. I curled into it reading and before I knew it I was asleep.
I'm submerged in water. crystal clear water surrounds me and I kick around. I can't see why I can't get up. I thrash around trying to get out of the water to swim above the surface only a few inches above my face. my lungs start to burn as I scratch ineffectively at the water. bubbles surround me and I calm down. I don't know why I'm calming but I feel relaxed all of a sudden. I see what was holding me down was a large boulder tied to my ankle. wonder how that got there. oh well. my eyes shut.

"Wake up. wake up. jayde please wake up." I hear a voice say. warm Arms are around my shoulders shaking me. little sparks ignite my skin where the hands touch. it must be lukas. I open my eyes and look around to see the library. the dusty old books the bean bag by safe haven. he had to even disturb my happy place. I shove Lukas out of my way and try walking away. he grabs my wrist lightly enough it won't hurt. "angel please stay." my heart picks up speed at his nickname but I couldn't let him know. I rip my hand out of his grip and run. run away from him from school from home. from everything. I end up at my waterfall diving into the cool water. it relaxes me instantly and I swim to the end taking everything off besides my bra and underwear. who knows if someone will show up right? I could always just turn into my wolf. oh well. I dived into the water several times swimming laps until I was tired. I got out of the clear pool and laid in the grass feeling the sun warm my skin. Suddenly I hear a loud Growl come from the edge of the clearing. I get to my feet and look around my wet hair whipping at my face. my father comes out of the trees looking pissed. "Put on some clothes you slut. don't make me tell you again." he says coming closer to me. I grab my clothes trying to out them on as fast as possible but it wasn't fast enough. "god your so slow!" He said reaching me and slapping me hard across the face. my face flew to the side by impact. "I told you to hurry! Your a good for nothing rotten bi-" one of the loudest growls I've ever heard rippled through the forest. my father looked scared but for some reason i wasnt. A pitch black wolf jumps out from the trees and tackles nathan. he shifts and tries to attack him back but he was smaller than the black wolf. the black wolf had an aura of authority about him. kinda like an alpha. Lukas. the black wolfs paw was hovering over my dad's throat any second he could swipe it and kill him. Lukas's wolf started shaking and I realized he was shifting to his human. His hand was still wrapped around Nathan's throat. he was butt naked and I could see the muscles rippling in his back as he lifted Nathan by his throat. "Jayde is not a slut. she is a Virgin and your daughter. it disgusts me the way you can treat her. she is coming to live with me as my mate and if I ever hear of you harming her in any way again I will make sure that you won't get away." Lukas said releasing my fathers throat. he looked at me and motioned to head to my house. I nodded and shifted into my wolf he did the same and we ran to my pack house. After arriving to the pack house I run inside and change. I get Lukas some clothes too and run back outside to see his black wolf sitting and waiting for me. I placed the folded clothes beside him and turned around to give him privacy. "you can turn around now jayde." I did as he said and looked at him. His eyes were a darker blue like the sky before a storm. "Go pack your coming to live with me." He said emotionlessly. I could basically feel my wolfs smile radiating inside me. She was happy her mate saved her and protected her. I on the other hand wasn't so pleased. "No." I said straightening up standing as tall as my small figure would let me. "What do you mean no?" He said teeth clenched. "I mean I'm not coming to live with you. I told you we were over and you followed me! Followed me and made my situation so much worse! I'll never be able to show my face in my own pack again! The betas daughter couldn't even protect herself! She needed her mate to do it for her! Pathetic just like my father said." My voice cracked on the last word and a tear went down my cheek. I didn't want him to see me cry so I turned away walking back inside. One thing was for sure though. I couldn't stay at home. I began packing my stuff.

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