Chapter 8

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Sooo this isn't how I planned to run this chapter buuuut I mean things happen. I think I'm going to work on my other story for awhile now since I kinda know what I'm going to do with this and all but I shall be back within a week or less depends how much I miss Jayde. Till then adios my pequenos gummi bears

"Jayde I love you but seriously what is that?" Lukas laughs looking at me. "It's a giant two story candy store and restaurant it's about an hour away. I used to go there with my family when I was little.." My voice fades away at the end wondering if I really wanted to say it. Lukas already knows about my father though so I mean it can't get much worse. "Oh okay then do you know how to get there?" I nod excitedly it was like my favorite place ever how dare he question me "left out of school and you wait till you see McDonalds turn left and i will continue when we are there." He sends me one more unsure looking proving he doesn't trust me to know what I'm doing. Ugh men and directions I swear. I rolled my eyes turned the radio up which was now blasting fall out boy and smiled a real smile. "Oh my god wait. This is a convertible correct?" I ask excitement seeming into my voice. Lukas looked at me but his hand slid and the top started reeling back. I unbuckled my seat belt and stood on the floor grabbing the window and letting the breeze hit my face. "Jayde please be careful" Lukas says looking at me worried. "If I die. I'm going to die happy. IVE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO THIS!" I scream to the air knowing no one will be able to hear me but him. "Your not going to die anytime soon jayde. We have a future together and I'm not letting you escape it." Lukas chuckles and I smile back. After about ten minutes of doing that I got tired and sat back in my seat. "You should do that more often." Lukas said grabbing my hand entwining our fingers. "what dangle my body outside a car and almost kill myself?" His face flashed hurt for a second but he sobered up fast. "No. Live carelessly. Love life. Smile. I've never seen that sparkle in your eye like I just did now and now that I know it's possible I'll be spending my entire life making sure that someday that sparkle never leaves. Your beautiful like that." He said not even bothering to look at me but keeping his eyes on the road. I looked forward not replying. Not because I didn't want to but I was shocked. Sure we talked about having a future together jokingly but what he just said was beautiful real and most important he seemed determined and honest. I've never felt like this before. I can't let it happen. I'm already falling to hard for him.
"I'm miss Kathy how may I help you children today?" An old elderly woman I remember through my childhood asks. My smile covers my face and I know I have to mess with her. I put my hand on my hip and pout. "Miss Kathryn I can't believe you don't remember me I was your best customer. You even had pictures of me up near the gummy bear isle." I tap y foot pretending to be impatient as she remembers. She's aged a lot since last time I seen her. Her cheeks seem aced in bags are under her eyes and wrinkles cover her. Overall though she's still the same lady with the bright brown eyes. "Oh dear jayde! Oh I thought I would never see you again how's home?" Kath asked pulling me into a tight hug only this old lady could give. I pull away and smile sadly at her "still no word on mom and da-" I was cut off by Lukas wrapping his arms around me and continuing "is a selfish prick who hits her so now she's living with me. That's her home. I'm her home. It's nice to meet someone my mate cares about so deeply." Lukas says reaching around me to shake her hand. I can't believe he just said mate oh my god I hope she didn't catch on. She reached for his hand sweetly but as she did her eyes flashed red and I could see the grip on Lukas's hand was inhuman especially for an old lady. "Listen here young man. This girl is like my granddaughter of you hurt her I will personally cut off both of your heads. Understood?" "Wouldn't dream of it. She's my world I would be destroying myself." Lukas replied. While all this is happening I'm still in a state of shock. "Oh dear I still can't believe you haven't figured it out. Jayde I'm a witch." Kathy said and everything started to come together. Strange happenings through my childhood to where Lukas said mates. "oh... Alright well may I get some of your famous gummy bears oh powerful witch?" I asked bouncing up and down in excitement. "Well now that you know I'm a witch you should know I magically create my candy that's how I get he flavors and few calories. What do you want?" My mouth was wide I should have known that witch how dare she? I always loved her gummy bears more then anything I should have known. " I want two jumbo bags of strawberry watermelon pomegranate peach and mango." I said instantly. As a kid that's what I always got well one bag. The other is for Lukas. But I never forgot my order. "I should have known." Kathy sighed and mixed everything into her Cauldron not a bowel it was a real cauldron. She said a few words and then she was pouring thousands of gummy bears into these bags about as tall as me now. Not that it's very tall I'm only 5'0 but that's a lot of gummy bears. "Jesus jayde do you think your going to be able to even eat half of your bag?" Lukas said looking in between Kathy and I. We both burst into laughter. "You've never seen this girl devour gummy bears have you child?" Kathy asked. Lukas continued staring at me as if I had a unicorns horn as tail spouting out of me. "This child will be done with this bag within a week and she will be begging you to come back or she will just steal your bag. I do not advise you to even touch hers though. She might seriously dump you. I've seen it her ex-" "KATHY" I screamed interrupting her. Lukas looks over at me pissed. He was told he was my first he doesn't know about tanner... Oh god... Here we go. "Ex? Who is your ex?" He said not even bothering to open his mouth completely. " Lukas don't do this now I'll explain it tonight I promise don't make a big deal out of it." I say trying to reach around and grab his arm. Before I do though he arches my wrist forcing me to look into his eyes. What I see kills me they are burning with rage but yet the kind of rage fueled but hurts "no it is a big deal you told me I was your first. How much for the candy Kathy?" He said looking over
My shoulder at the lady. "For jayde? No charge for you? Ten bucks and a broken foot if you don't release her." He glared at her but pulled ten bucks out of his pocket slamming it on the counter and walking out of the small shop. I watch him following from a safe distance behind. "Lukas please listen to me.." I say pleading. I don't know why I'm begging hell i just said I need to back off a little but I can't lose him completely. "Lukas let me explain and I promise it will make more sense." He pulls me bridal style an jumps onto the hood of his car. After doing so he situates me on his lap do my head rests in his shoulder. "Okay go from beginning." I swallow hard knowing this is going to be tough but then I start a story I haven't recalled in years. "Okay so wen I first started this one school a different one then this one a few years ago I thought I would grow there and meet my mate.... I still had my mom dad grandpa childhood friends everything was perfect. But then a bunch of stuff started happening. My grandpa died my mom went into depression my dad starts drinking more.... My friends all left and I was alone.... But then this boy came along, his name was tanner. He became my best friend and helped me out of my bad depression... I was even suicidal at one point." I felt his grip on me tighten but he waited for me to continue so I took a deep breath and did so. "He helped me through that he became my best and only friend and I... I ... I fell in love." I pause but he didn't interrupt. "We never kissed or anything but did he try but I wanted to wait for my mate. At the time I honest to god thought he was my mate but I didn't want to chance it. Everyone knew we were an item. Everyone. People even made bets on if we were mates or not. One day I found out the entire time he was with me he was sleeping with a girl from a different school. The girl... The girl was jay-jay. He broke my heart so bad I couldn't trust again. He tried to get me back forcing me to talk to him shoving me against walls spreading secrets about me everything he could possibly do to make my life worse.... I'm broken. He broke me Lukas. Him along with everything else was too much. Your a miracle. Your like the sun in a storm. Your a new pack of crayons and I'm the three years old one with every crayon but one broken. I'm my a princess. I'm not going to get a happy after. Girls like me... Don't deserve boys like you." I say refusing to look at his face. After a few minutes I feel his soft fingers under my chin. I was weak from all the painful memories and I could t stop him from making me look at him. "Your not broken your stronger then any girl I've ever met. You are a princess and honey you sure as hell deserve me if anything I don't deserve you. My world would never be the same if you weren't my mate. I wouldn't trade you for the world." He said ending it by kissing my forehead. "Your just saying that because your mated to me your stuck with me no take backs." His eyes flared again at the end of this. "I will tell you this till the day I die. I wanted you even before I knew we were mates. I would have chosen you if I could choose a mate. Jayde. I love you." He finished pulling my body into a hug of some sort. It felt like he was hugging all my little broken pieces back together if that was like possible or anything. "Lukas" I whispered. "Yes jayde?" He said pressing our foreheads against each other looking into my eyes. "Mark me." I say determined. He pulled away confused. "Jayde I don't want to rush you I hope this isn't about the boy at lunch cause that doesn't bother me I'll wait till your ready." He rambled on. I rolled my eyes why can't he just shut up and accept it? "I want you to mark me. No reason but I love you. Please. Before my insecurities et the best of me again and I try to stop this whole thing and run away." I said. The mention of me running away got his attention. He Situated us so I was underneath him and hovered above me. She sniffed my neck. He must have lost control to his wolf. "No running. Your mine." The word mine was no longer Lukas but his wolf no denying it with the voice change and pitch black eyes. Before I could even blink again his canines extended and tore through my flesh. I bit my tongue to keep from screaming and moaning. Of course that caused me pain and my lip to bleed. "Mine. Mine. Mine." The word got quieter as his eyes got lighter and I got weaker. "Jayde rest you need it." This time it was Lukas in control. I felt a peck to my lips before everything went dark.

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