I Love You More Than I Could Ever Scream

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Dear mom,

It's getting easier and easier to be myself everyday. I'm finally at a place in life that, I am content to face the reality of. I always had a way with words when it came to the tip of a pen persuading the ink to make letters, but always had a difficult time explaining myself to you, when I had to force noise up from my vocal chords. There are so many things that I never took the time to cherish, and share with you, when I should have let you in on every detail of my every waking moment, before you passed. It's days like these that I sit and bask in the remorse and nostalgia of your life and death. Taking time to stop and remember the radiance of your presence, or the gentle melody of your voice, that even in monotone still made the hearts of the lively warm. You always had this way of making even the biggest stranger love your personality, and the traits that you shared with the world. I wish I inherited those traits from you, because the way I am now, still doesn't seem good enough most of the time, when I'm in comparison to you. All I ever wanted was to make you proud, to finish your life through myself. I always wanted to show you the world, and I want to believe that in this moment you are with me in the best of ways. You always tried to convince me that there was a heaven and a hell. I always did the same to you, in trying to make you understand the concept of the afterlife. You were so set in your ways, when it came to religion. You let me believe what I wanted, but never let anyone change your views on life as you knew it. Whether it be true that heaven is the resting place of passed on souls, or whether you are sitting in the afterlife, maybe only a mere few inches away from me, but yet separated by a dimension that I can't even begin to imagine, I know that in some way or another, you are watching me as I make my mistakes an accomplishments in life. I hope I'm making you proud, I hope you fully understand how much I love and miss you and sissy. Please, let her know that she will always be my angel. Rest in peace, Love Leyna.

It's been a while since I wrote to mom. I keep a diary addressing her in every page. She is the only person that I want to share everything with. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love Andy, but some things are personal. Some feelings, don't need to be spoken of.

I put my diary under my bunk mattress, and hoped down. It was 9:30 AM, and I've been up for an hour since, Andy went to make breakfast, but he didn't know that. I've been writing and thinking for a long time. I went into my bag, and pulled out a pair of grey Lovesick jeans, and a matching black and green bra and panties set. I wanted to wear one of Andy's shirts today, so I went into his bag,(I know he wouldn't mind) and grabbed at cut up old Mötley Crüe tank top.

I changed and put my hair into a high loose loop on my head. I looked at my reflection and smiled. I've been getting used to looking like a bum, so it doesn't bother me as much as it used to. Of coarse I'm gonna get dressed up to go on stage, but for now, I look very exceptional. I walked into the kitchenette of the bus, and examine Andy as he struggled to flip pancakes.

I walked up behind him and grabbed his hips. "Hello sexy." I whispered seductively, standing on my tippy toes, so I could reach his ear. He shivered, and let out a little grunt. "Oh god, don't do that to me." He whined. I smirked, knowing that if I kept it up he's gonna get turned on and want me. He put the last pancake on a plate, and turned the burner off. Next thing I knew, I was sitting on the counter with Andy standing in between my legs.

"I'm hungry, but you know... My sweet tooth has been acting up." He smirked as he placed kisses on my neck. "Pancakes are sweet." I teased, trying to keep my composure. "Eh, your right, but that just won't do. You know what's plenty sweet enough to satisfy my needs?..." He questioned devilishly. "Um..." I tried to retort something clever, but couldn't get any words out, with his hands roaming freely all over my body, and him sucking on my neck. He moved his lips to my ear, and nipped it playfully as he answered his own question, "you."

Like a chain reaction I tightened my legs around his waist and connected our lips hungrily. I've waited long enough, I know that its my time, and that he is the one. He didn't expect me to respond to him so eagerly, but he wasted no time licking my lips for entrance as he carried me to the back bedroom. I let him in, and enjoyed myself as he explored my mouth.

We made it to the bedroom, and he gently laid me back on the bed. I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him down onto the bed, quickly getting on top of him, and taking his shirt off. He took my shirt and bra off, and caressed me as I kissed down his stomach. I slid his pants off, and he did the same to me. We reconnected our lips, as I grinder on him. He moaned into my mouth, and I knew that I needed him, and like-wise.

I began to take his boxers off, when he stopped me. "Baby, are you sure?" He asked me sweetly. I knew that it took him a lot to make me stop and for him to ask, because I've never seen the love and lust shine so brightly in his eyes before. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life. Make love to me, Andy." I said completely serious. He flipped us over, and took my panties off. I did the same to him, and from there the rest is history.


"Andy!, Andy!" I screamed.

"Leyna! Oh god, I- I'm-" he matched me.

At that moment we both reached our climax. He fell to my side, and all that was left was the sounds of our breathing beginning to settle. He pulled me into him, and kissed my cheek repeatedly. "I love you so much. More than anything else in this world. Thank you for trusting me with this." He said lovingly into my ear. "Your so amazing in every way. I love you so much, Andy. Thank you for everything you've ever done for me. I've trusted you with every part of me now. Please, don't ever leave me." I spoke from my heart.

He held me tighter to him. "I will never leave. I love you more than I could ever scream." With that we fell back asleep, ad slept all day in exception to our sets.

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