The Pleasure In Panic.

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Andy's POV

A feeling of numbness began taking over me, as soon as I drove off of the property, but at that point it was too late. Not much thought went into leaving. I just knew that I had to leave. I had to go against everything that I ever fought for and believed in, because I'm a coward, and that is what cowards do. They run away. I can't protect her, I can't please the fans, or be the friend that my band needs. Even if it means living my life in exile, I can't drag the ones that I love with me into despair. It's time to start over. 'Entering Colorado' the sign read. "Here goes nothing." I muttered to myself. That's when my phone rang. The numbness was gone in the flash of a second, and the cold, selfish heart in my chest, shattered completely. 'Little left but memories, but always lots of time to think...', Leyna's singing part on their song 'Stories To Tell' played from my phone and a picture of her and I kissing, flashed on the screen. "I broke the one promise that I made to her. 'Forever'..." I grabbed the phone from the dash and chucked it out the window. There's no turning back from here, I've got to get away from everyone who's left, but deep inside I promised that I will see her again.

Leyna's POV (A year later)

It's been a year since Andy left me, without a trace. None of us have spoken to him or seen him in that time. What we do know is that he is in a band called 'The Pleasure In Panic'. I know all of their songs, it's the only way that I hear his voice anymore. Everyone knows that I am still in love with him, and that I don't forgive him for leaving me. Why would I? What right did he have to leave me or his band? He never even tried to explain. Black Veil Brides has a new singer, his name is Carson Gammon. Him and I have gotten very close. I am still in Reverse Reaper, but now we are known world wide and have been touring for our first album for the past six months. Black Veil brides always tour with us. Sleeping With Sires, although has just released their newest album, 'Feel', and Jesse left the band, so things have been stressful. Kellin and Libby's relationship is on the rocks. They still talk every night, and skype 4 times a week, but they have been fighting a lot more, recently. I feel bad for her, but I would rather be fighting with Andy than have him not In my life at all.

"Hey, you need a pick me up?" Jake asked me, to which I smirked at him. Ella left Jake for Lexus Amanda from 'Blacklisted Me'. I didn't even know that she swung that way, and apparently neither did Jake, but we also didn't know that she had been cheating on him while he was away on tour, with Lexus. Jake and I have been FWB for the past 3 months, nothing more nothing less. It's just sex to get my mind off of Andy for the time being. We walked into the back bedroom of the tour bus, and as soon as the door shut, I was pushed against it, with Jake hungrily attacking my lips. I took off his shirt, and he took off mine. He started sucking on my neck. I thought to myself about how he'd never make me feel like Andy did, but pushed it away and let out a soft moan as he bit down on my neck. I pushed him backwards onto the bed, before stripping him of his pants. He flipped us and took mine off, along with my underwear, he removed his boxers and tossed them behind him. I wrapped my legs around him and tangled my fingers in his hair. He let out a low growl as I tugged a bit. He entered me and the rest was history.

"I really needed that Jake. Thanks." I said, rolling out of bed and starting to put my clothes back on. "Leyna?" He called. I turned around to look at him. He was staring at the wall. "Yeah, Jake, what's up?" I questioned, buttoning up my jeans. "I-I think that I'm in love with you," He said nervously. I stared at him shocked for a moment, before taking a deep breath and thinking about what he said. He's in love with me? We agreed that this was just sex. "Jake, I-I'm sorry, but w-we agreed that this was just sex. You knew that, I guess that we just can't do this anymore." I slipped my phone in my pocket and left before he could argue.

As I went to walk off of the bus, I opened the door, and there stood someone that I never thought would want to see me again. I stared a moment then asked the first question to come to mind,

"What do you want from me now?"


I know this was very undetailed, and not that good, but I need to update, and bring this closer to the end. It needs to ends soon. I'm dragging this on too long, and if I even want to consider a sequel than this needs to end. Do you guys want a sequel? Comment and let me know, and if so then what would you guys want it to pertain to? As for the girls of WildFire, you will see more of them.

He Chose Me (An Andy Biersack And Kellin Quinn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now