"Uno Petite Mort"

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Please, don't hate me! This is not the end. I know it's a little confusing at first, but all will be explained next chapter... ENJOY!


Dear, whoever it may concern...

I guess love doesn't really exist... I almost believed for a while, that I could see my future ahead of me. That I actually had one. He gave me the confidence to breath, without fearing the consequence. To live in my own skin. To be myself, and not be ashamed. I feel like more of a burden to Libby than a best friend. I haven't felt suicidal in quite awhile, another thing he made me feel. I'm not mad at him... More like, ashamed of myself. Ashamed that I actually let someone in. That I opened up to someone who would eventually just hurt me, because I'm not worth giving a shit about. Was it only for his amusement, just to string me along... Oh, that's right! I was the cover. I always heard stories, but I never actually believed it until I saw what I saw today. Don't believe what's not the truth... "Was it a smile? Mona Lisa's lie." Libby couldn't have been anymore right! He did hide behind a shallow smile. Everything he told me was a lie. I'm not beautiful. I'm not caring. I'm not amazing. What I am though... I could go on and on. I'm a cheat. I'm a fake. I'm a bad friend. A nuisance. Just bad luck. A waste of space. A waste of air. A person without a purpose. I must be punished for my wrong-doings. I'm not a religious person, but I do believe that if you take a life, including your own, you go to hell. "Uno Petite Mort" French for "a small death"... That's exactly what this is this is, a note addressing a small death." la mort d'une jeune fille ne manquera" meaning "The death of a girl no one will miss." that Is also true. I can be replaced in the band. I can be replaced as a friend. I was already replaced as a girlfriend. I am no longer a daughter to anyone. At least not anyone important. This is my resignation. I fully from now on resign from my position in life...

- sincerely, in love, and hope that my memory will go on... Leyna.

I finished writing my goodbye, and walked to the bathroom. I filled the tub up, and took the bottle of OxyContin out of my bag. I put my favorite t-shirt, and jeans on, and I taped the note to the wall of the tub. I got in full dressed, and swallowed all of the pills, I believe it was about 50, 60 milligram pills. I closed my eyes, and let the darkness of the reaper take me. As I was just slipping into the dark I heard the scream of my best friend, and a males sobbing, the man I assumed was Andy. If only I had realized that this wasn't the way for me to go, before I went against all that Reverse Reaper stands for... At least I can say, that I believed in love at one point. It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. Or wait... I guess I can't 'say' it. I'll never bellow a word again. Never take a breath. Never blink the brown eyes that I always despised to have. Never tell them how much I loved them...


It broke my heart to write that, especially because the main charecter isbased on my best friend... Whoo! Emotionally! So, anyway please dont hang me from my thumbs, and make me eat black licorice, while listening to the band huntress. (That is honestly the worst torture EVER!!!) But, please, COMMENT, VOTE, FAN!!!

-Ever <3

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