Making plans, and saddened good byes

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We pulled away, needing air. We just stared into each others eyes. 'I couldn't be any happier than I am right now' is what kept running through my head. That is, until he spoke.

"Please, Please! Can I see you again? Will you go out with me... On a date... Tomorrow?" He had so much hope in his eyes, mixed with so many other emotions... Pain, Yearning, Lust... Love?

I got lost in his eyes, but was snapped out of it, by the sudden panic in them. The panic that I would reject him? Why would he even begin to think, I would reject him? I answered quickly with "Yes! Of coarse!" His worried look quickly changed to a contagious grin, and I followed suite.


We just sat there in a comfortable silence, looking at each other. Her in my arms, me with my arms around her. Kinda the way a hug works, ya know? But it was more than that, we both held on like we would never see each other again.

We were interrupted when her phone began to ring. She mouthed 'I'm sorry' to me, and answered her phone...


I apologize to Andy, and looked at my phone quickly before realizing it was Libby, and she had no way to get home.

"Hey! Omg, I'm so sorry! I forgot I had the keys!" I apologized into the phone, truly feeling bad, considering I have been here for about... Half an hour.

"What?!? Are you kidding me? Don't apologize! I am so fucking happy for you, you don't even know the half of it!" she practically screamed into the receiver. So she wasn't mad... THANK GOD! It was almost unbearable when she was mad, which was like, NEVER!!! She was good at staying calm, REALLY GOOD! But when she loses it... Oh let me tell you! SHE LOSES IT!

"Oh, thank god. I thought you'd be mad at me." I replied sighing.  

"Me?! Mad at you?! About that?!? Never! I'm over-Joyed! But I need to get home, my mom is flipping out. I'm really sorry." dammit, we gotta go.

"okay, give me a sec, and I will meet you at the front."  

She said okay, and with that, she hung up.

"Andy, I'm really sorry, but I have to go." I said trying to hold back the sorrow in my voice, but failed majorly.  

"No, no. It's fine! Don't be sad, love. I will see you tomorrow, correct?" I couldn't help to smile at his question. "of coarse!" I said while walking to him, and staring at the floor.

Before I knew it, I was enveloped in a GIANT hug. Not that I mind... Of coarse I didn't mind! I hugged him back, never wanting to let go. He pulled back, and kissed me gently on the lips, before he spoke again. "well, beautiful, I would love to stay like this forever, but you need to get back to your friend... Libby, was it?" I hesitated, but found my voice again, and spoke. "um, yeah. Libby. Well, good bye, I guess." I said, the frown clear in my voice.

"hey, look at me." he said, while lifting my chin. "I will see you tomorrow. Only a few hours away. Go home go to sleep, and as soon as you wake up, text or call me. I will come, and get you, and we can do whatever you want." he said, and pecked my lips. The corner of my lips turned up into a smile, at that point.

We Hugged, and kissed one more time, before I left. I couldn't get him off my mind the whole way home. Now I lay in bed, and can't get my mind off of him.

My phone buzzed on my bedside table...

Goodnight, gorgeous <3 -AndyBVB

And, with that I drifted into a sleep, continually dreaming of him...


Well, that's chapter 2! :D sorry it took so long. I needed inspiration! okay, so RATE, COMMENT, AND VOTE PLEASE! And I will update as soon as possible. Goodbye, my lovelies. Until next time.  Oh, and sorry for how short this is. I will try to write a longer chapter next time! :D

- Libby <3

He Chose Me (An Andy Biersack And Kellin Quinn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now