Dark World

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Jevil suddenly wasn't friendly anymore, he hid in the corner of the room. Strange, you thought.

"Once I heard a new person got trapped in a cell, I instantly worried it was you! C'mon, some guy named Rouxls gave me the key!"

You rush over to Alex, and as she tries to unlock the cell door, she talks about what happened.

"So, I talked to some guy named Seam,  and he told me some kind of story about two worlds, I think. That, the light world has humans, Lightners, they call us. And this world has monster sort of things. Darkners, they call themselves. All sort of unbelievable, don't you think?"

She stopped unlocking the door and continued to talk to you.

" Of course, they also told me about some king named...I think it was Chaos King. Or maybe just King. And they said-"

" Woah, woah, slow down. What the actual hell are you talking about?"

" This world, Y/N, it's the Dark world. At least, that's what they told me."

" Who told you?"

" Ralsei, Rouxls, Seam, they all-"

She continued to talk, but you stopped listening.

Who was she talking about??

These names were all so weird. Rouxls? Ralsei? Huh?

You felt...kind of left out. As she kept talking, she said all these cool things she did and saw in this "Dark World"

She unlocked the door. " C'mon, Y/N , I'll show you!" She started running, signalling you to come with.

"Wait!" You yelled, causing her to slow to a stop right before she reached the stairs.

"Uh.... what?"

You looked back at Jevil, thinking

What's going to happen to him?

"Oh, it's nothing..." You said, as you started to follow Alex.

Alex let you in front of her. Behind you, she closed the door. The door seemed to...disappear.

You still felt kind of bad. He must be lonely in there...

As you exited a castle you didn't know you were in, Alex explained to you how the Dark World worked, and how you should be careful inside the castle.

"Alex, if I was stuck in a cell, where did you end up?"

" Well, you see, Y/N, while you were vacationing in that lovely cell of yours, I landed face-to-face with that King I was talking about earlier."

" And...?"

" And let's just say this King doesn't take kindly to a random "Lightner" falling directly into the royal throne room. Some wacked-up spade kid named "Lancer" had to convince him to let me go." She said casually.

" And on top of that, the King imprisoned a bunch of wackos too." She said as she looked at you and smiled.

"Ya, I'm a real wacko, huh Alex?"
You said, acknowledging the joke but not laughing.

"Yup. Team Wacko!"  Alex said as she pointed at the sky and put on a serious face. You couldn't help but smile. Yup, a couple of wackos stuck in this strange dimension.

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