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It was Monday. You were hanging out with your friend Alex. School was boring. You and Alex decided to sneak out of class during ELA and do some fun shit. It was just a simple break, skip class with your friend, goof off, get yelled at, and that would be that. But much, much more happened.

You and Alex decided to snoop around the place. Walking along the hallway, you felt something strange. Something bad.

" Hey Alex, can we go somewhere else?"

"What, scared of a little closet, are ya, mate? " She teased.

"Alex, look, the closet. Look how dark it is..." You were looking at the bottom of the door, and it looked like the shadows were creeping outside the closet. You didn't like it.

"Let's go inside, Y/N!" She suggested. You hesitated and thought about an answer.

"Alex, I don't know..." You trailed off, uncertain.

"Hah! C'mon, ya wuss!" She yelled as she flung open the door.


You both walked inside.


"See, it's just a simple supply closet. I bet we'd find some cool shit if the lights were on." She laughed.

"Uh, Alex, where is the light switch? " You ask, looking around. It was clear Alex wanted to keep snooping around, but you wouldn't agree to wander in the dark like this. You usually weren't afraid, but something felt off.

"I don'know, let's look for one." She said casually.


" Alex, where is everything? " You ask, confused.

" I know, right? Isn't this supposed to be a supply closet? Ha! " She laughs again.

"One hell of a closet..." You say as you reach your arms out. " I can't even find the walls!"

And just as you were starting to feel better, goofing off with your old friend, a cold breeze blows right through you. You begin to, once again, feel uneasy.

"Alex, I don't feel too good about all this..." You say, quietly.

"Aw, lighten up! It's just a supply close-" She stops mid-sentence and looks down at the shaking floor.

" What the hell?! " You both freak out, running towards the door.

All of a sudden, as if things couldn't get any worse, the door disappears, and the floor begins to fall, and all of your vision is left to darkness.

" Y/N! "

" ALEX! "

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