꧁Chapter Three- The Present.

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This is where the present day starts. (Y/N) is 14, Nezuko is 15, and Tanjiro is 16. This part of the story is starting around the time of when the demon slayers were fighting the spider demon family.

 This part of the story is starting around the time of when the demon slayers were fighting the spider demon family

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(Y/N) POV:

"Where am I? Why is it so dark? And why do I smell.. blood?" Once my eyes finally adjust to the darkness I finally can see why I smelt blood. I saw my family, like that day. But instead this time their bodies were being devoured. I screamed before I suddenly heard someone calling out my name.




My body jolted up. My breath was unsteady and I felt warm tears running down my face. I looked around my room and saw Kiyo-chan, Sumi-chan, and Naho-chan. "Lady (Y/N)! Are you alright?" Naho-chan asked.

"It must have been a nightmare.." I thought to myself before I smiled at the three girls. "I'm alright." I said while wiping the tears from my face. "Are you sure you're alright? We heard your scream from the Butterfly Estate.." Sumi-chan replied with. It wasn't surprising they could hear it, Shinobu's estate is right next to mine pretty much, although it's kind of bad they could hear it seeming as it's about a 5 minute walk between our estates. I nodded. "It was just a nightmare.. I'll be fine Naho-chan, Sumi-chan, and Kiyo-chan."

I looked out a window from my bed. It looked like it was early in the morning. I sighed. "Why don't you three go back to the Butterfly Estate. I'll be fine so don't worry about me. I think I'm gonna go out and practice to clear my mind." I said. The trio nodded before leaving.

I sat in bed for a while looking out the window. I then got up and got changed into my uniform and haori. I then went to go outside and train. While training.. I started to think about everything that's happened that's been good to try and clear my mind.

It has been 2 years since I became a hashira and it's been pretty good. The only thing that is bad about my new life is that I get nightmares a lot. I've made friends with all of the other hashira, some I'm closer to than others, like Shinobu. Me and Shinobu have gotten even closer in these 2 years. It feels comforting to be around her because she is the only other person really who knows about what happened that day.

I also got pretty close to Giyu, I stand up for him when Shinobu is mean. Other than Giyu and Shinobu, I've also grown close to Mitsuri and Kyojuro. Mitsuri is almost like a stereotypical big sister who is obsessed with their younger sibling, and she is like that to me a lot. Kyojuro tends to be protective. All the other hashira I haven't talked to that much, but I still know some things about them.

My train of thought stopped when I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I turn around and get ready in my stance. My blade was already drawn from practicing. Once my eyes adjusted on the silhouette I realized it wasn't a demon, but it was a person. Once the person stepped into the light of the moon I could see who it was.

It was the familiar face of a boy with long dark hair and mint tips. The mist pillar Tokito-kun. "Oh, Tokito-kun. What are you doing out here at 5 in the morning?" I asked. I eased my stance and stood normally. He stared at me for a moment before speaking. "I heard a lot of noise coming from here. So I came to check it out." He states in a monotone voice.

"Ah, well no need to be concerned I was just practicing.. and if you heard the scream don't mind it, I had a nightmare and apparently it was really loud.."I looked towards the ground while speaking, I was somewhat embarrassed. Tokito-kun's estate is a little further than Shinobu's but in another direction.

"Oh, alright." Tokito-kun says before speaking again. "Kamado-chan, may I ask you a question?" I nod whilst smiling at him.

"Would you like to train together?"

"Would you like to train together?"

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Muichiro POV:

"Would you like to train together?" I asked Kamado-chan. I had been kind of watching her from afar for a while now, I think she seems like she is really kind, but she always seems a little sad. I try to remind myself to talk to her but I always forget because of my amnesia. I feel like we could get to be good friends maybe if I talked to her more.

Kamado-chan smiles at me. "Of course Tokito-kun! It sounds fun. Also you don't need to call me by my surname, you can call me (Y/N) instead of Kamado."

"Oh.. ok (Y/N)-Chan. You can call me Muichiro then." I said. I was kind of excited to do this. I have been wanting to talk with (Y/N)-chan and I finally remembered to.

We started to train as the sun was rising. When we started it was about 5:30am and by the time we stoped it was 9:00am.

"That was really fun Muichiro-kun! Thank you for training with me" she said as she smiled brightly at me. Her smile was really pretty..

"Would you like to come inside to have something to eat? I was thinking of making some eggs with rice." She asked me, I thought for a moment before answering (Y/N)-chan's question. I decided to agree to the offer, I hadn't been assigned any missions yet and I didn't really have anything to do.

"Sure." I said.

"Awesome! You can come inside then. Make yourself at home, I will be cooking so you can find something to occupy yourself I guess." (Y/N)-chan states while getting up and going inside. I follow her but then I sit at the table that she leads me to.

She starts cooking and I watch what she is doing. We talked a little bit and then we ate.

And Now It's Time For A Taishou Era Secret!

(Y/N) was really happy when Muichiro asked to train together. She was feeling quite down and lonely so the company was fun.

 She was feeling quite down and lonely so the company was fun

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Word Count: 1094

A/N: I almost didn't get this out in time so sorry!!

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