Chapter 24: It Hurts Me Everytime I see You..

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I pushed open the doors of the roof and continued to walk all the way to the bottom floor. I was gonna go tell the nurse I was sick, but then I walked upon the sophomore staff team. They were putting up flyers on the post board. Before I could read anything, they immediately caught my attention, "hey! Are you a senior?"

"Um, yeah.. I am."

"Amazing!" The boy said handing me a flyer, "It's on the 14th, make sure to find a valentine!" He said as he winked at me.
I rolled my eyes, then looked down at the page.

Attention Seniors of Heather Lean Highschool,
This February on the 14th
will be the big day of our school Prom!
It will be lasting from 5:30-9:45 p.m and will be closing at 10:00 p.m.

Only our seniors (Grade 12) should be attending this event, if you are in Grade 11 or younger, you will be sent to the office where we will discuss your consequences.

Wear presentable clothing, bring a date with a reasonable age, and please act in a mature manner once at the event.

Please place your votes for Prom King and Queen in the basket below!

Prom on Valentine's day? Is that what Chase was talking me about?
I confusingly looked up and folded the paper, I put it in my pocket and looked at the boy show as still putting up differing posters.

"No problem. Hope to see you there!"

"Yeah, uh. Good luck with the posters."


Rae shook her head as many thoughts rushed to her head. Some were about Thomas, some were about prom, some were even about Chase, and she just needed a break.
Her brain was nearly fried from everything that was going on. She still couldn't even process how Thomas and her weren't friends anymore.
She walked towards the private bathroom and closed the door behind her. She locked it, and pressed her body against the door, she then slid down onto her butt.
She heard the bell ring, it was time for her next class, but she didn't bother to get up. In fact, she didn't bother to move at all, she wasn't sad, or mad. She was just confused.
What was a girl like her supposed to do? She wanted Thomas, she wanted him to ask her out to prom, and then be called on stage with him as Prom King and Queen. She wanted his hands to wrap around her waist, then she wanted to slow dance with him as they would gaze into each other's eyes. But all she could do was imagine, and just hope that she and him would make up. But until that moment came she remained in the bathroom on the floor, clueless of what lies ahead of her.

The day flew by, and sooner than I knew the dismissal bell had Chimed, it wasn't short after when I heard someone knock and shout in frustration, "fuck! I-is anyone in there?..!"
I grabbed my back pack and exited the bathroom to see the same sophomore from earlier, "I'm so sorry, um, were you waiting?"

"Oh, I uh.. didn't mean to disturb but yes." He said in a much smoother and soft tone.
I moved out of his way and allowed him to go to the bathroom. I pulled out my phone to text Thomas, then I remembered my dumbass blocked him.
I put my phone into my pocket and sighed.
I started walking towards the exit when I hear someone shouting.
I turned around, assuming the calling was for me, "yes..?" I confusingly answered. It was the sophomore again.

"Hi, uh. I was just.. um, wondering if you would like to be my prom date?"

I tried to hold in my laugh, but a little giggle slipped out, "um, isn't it only seniors?"

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