Chapter 26: Wait.. What?!

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Since everyone was leaving to their next class I decided to attend mine as well. I walked over to Math class D3 where everyone stared at me as I walked in.
"Hello Mr. Huesston, late for class again?" She said clicking her tongue as she bent down to write me a sticky note slip.

"Just give me the slip." I said not really in the mood for bullshit.

"Have a seat." She said sternly, I ripped the note out of her hand and took a seat next to Mason.

"What took you so long?" Mason said as he nudged my shoulder.

"Just uh.. crowded halls" I nodded assuring him I wasn't up to anything else.

He looked at me as if his suspicions we're raised high.


"No talking in the back boys!" The teacher shouted at us. We both shifted our vision towards her and saw her standing her ground with an attitude plastered on her face.
I rolled my eyes and rested my head on my desk this day Is gonna take forever!
After the class was finished I sighed, but I felt a sudden punch on my shoulder, "what's up?" I said turning to Mason as he let his arm fall.
"You tryna come over and play COD today?" He asked as he pulled out his cellphone.

I slowly zipped my backpack as I tried to think of an excuse, "uhh, actually I promised Rae I'd go to the ice cream shop with her today. We usually go after school."

He looked up at me as he smirked mischievously, "hey hey hey! Look who's got himself a new girl." He licked his teeth and nodded.

"No..? I'm not into her like that."
I said as the bell chimed.

"No? Didn't you guys hook up though? Remember the night of the party?" He said as he flung his backpack over his shoulder.

I was confused, I looked down as I traveled back, deep into my thoughts.
I walked into the party house pissed off. As soon as I opened the front door excitement, conversations, music all just bursted into my ears. I rolled my eyes and suddenly felt a heavy pair of arms wrap around my next.
"Ayyy! Did you bring her?" Mason slowly asked.


"Why? What happened?" Mason said as he was talking to other people at the same time.

"Well uh.." I thought in that moment that Mason would make fun of me if I told him I couldn't pull off the hookup I imagined, " actually me and her ended up hooking up..!"

"Damn no way?"

"Yeah, really."
Oh shit!
I gulped as I remembered the moment, "we can talk about that later but do you know where Thomas is?"

He looked down at his phone clearly annoyed, "why the fuck would I know where that twat is?" Shouted Mason.

"Just tell me!"

He glanced at me probably curious why I wanted to know so bad. He scoffed and clicked his tongue, "I think his next class is science or something."

I blitzed out the class as Masons voice faded.
I ran up the stairs to the next floor where the science classroom was, again just more crowded halls. The bell had rang but I had made it into the science class right on time.
My eyes lit up right as I saw Thomas, I raised my hand up as I was about to greet him but then the teacher had recognized me.
"Chase? This isn't your class!"

"U-Um yes it is..?" I awkwardly smiled and chuckled, I scratched the back of my neck and hoped she would just let me off the hook.

"What..? Please tell me they didn't change your schedule!" I looked at Thomas awkwardly as I stood in the doorway. He glanced at me and then rested his head on his desk, "it says your not in here... Are you trying to pull another prank?"

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