𝟑. 𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚

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5 years prior

Two years ago I was able to open up my eyes to see the real world for the first time. I wasn't blind before that, no, there was just nothing I wanted to see. So I lived my life in an imaginary world back then. But ever since Rintarou took me in, I was ripped out of that world and had to find a way to survive in this world. I was able to see now, but sight didn't come with feelings. I was still empty. Although I found a way to overcome that too. I taught myself to pretent. Watch how others react in certain situations, remember it and act likewise in similar situations.

It wasn't the same as having real feelings but it's better than nothing, right? It's not that bad.

Up until now, I've been spending the whole day walking around this floor, stopping sometimes to look out of the windows to watch little people and cars moving in the streets.

I haven't seen Elise nor Rintarou today but that became more frequent the past few weeks. Maybe they were just getting tired of me.

Suddenly, the door to the room I was in opened and showed Elise standing in the frame.

"Rintarou wants to talk to you in his office"

And with that she left just as fast as she came.

Rintarou wants to talk to me? I better not let him wait for too long.

When I arrived in his office I found him already sitting at his desk, intertwined fingers resting on the surface of it.

"Rintarou~ you wanted to talk to me?"

"Ah Sora-chan, I'm glad you came here so fast. Yes, I wanted to discuss some things with you."

There was a small break before he continued.

"You see, Elise-chan and me really enjoy having you around here with us but considering that you're growing and maturing so fast, it's time for you to take a bit more responsibility, don't you think?"


"Yes Sora-chan, you're already 15. Your big brother became the youngest executive of the mafia in that age and since you're his sister I have high hopes in you being likewise efficient. I'm sure it would be wasted talent if we keep you sheltered in here any longer. You understand what I want to say with that?"

I needed a moment to apprehend what the message behind his words was.

"You want me to become part of the port mafia?"

"Exactly. You're such a smart little girl, Sora-chan. I'm positive you would be a great asset to my organization."

Just after he said that, the sound of someone knocking at the door made both of us turning to the big doors of the office. A moment later, the door opened and the person behind it stepped in.

"Ah Dazai-kun, you came too. I just enlightened your sister about the plan we both had."

Rintarou told Osamu while he walked towards us. As he stopped to stand next to me, I diverted my gaze back to Rintarou to see him smirk at him.

"So what do you say, Sora-chan? Will you join the mafia? I know you have great potential even without having an ability like Dazai-kun."

As those words left his lips I subconsciously turned to look at my brother. He did likewise.

"Hm? By the looks of you two it seems like I missed something?"

There was a short moment of silence before I decided to break it.

"Actually, Rintarou... I do have an ability. There just wasn't a reason for me to use it, so I never really did."

Another moment of silence.

"What a turn of events Sora-chan, Dazai-kun."

He said in friendly sounding words. At least that's what it sounded like on the surface. If you listened closely, you could hear an undertone filled with betrayal and anger mostly sent towards Osamu.

"It isn't my place to inform you about Sora's ability. It's her decision to tell you or hide it from you."

I couldn't convince myself to response to the words being exchanged as the tension in the room only continued rising. I never met that side of Rintarou. I didn't know how to react.

"Well then, Sora. Would you mind telling me about your ability?"

"I can- it would be the easiest if I just show it to you, I think."

As soon as he nodded I started to close the tension filled gap between us and took one of his hands into mine.

"The Setting Sun"

The familiar feeling of emptiness in my body became more prominent than ever as I spoke those words. Though I didn't mind at all. I was already used to it. Unlike the person who still had one of his hands in mine.

Even if it was just for a second, Rintarou seemed to be taken back by the enormous amount of emptiness creeping into his body.

But there is still more my ability is capable of.

I backed up a few steps, not letting my eyes leave Rintarou's.

"Vita Sexualis"

With that, purple light started to not only surround me but also a similar to Elise looking girl, appearing in front of me. I knew I was able to control that girl and also change her looks and personality but considering that I used my ability only a few times right after I discovered having it, activating it again took a lot of energy out of me.

After seeing the now pleased look on Rintarou's face, I couldn't keep on using his ability any longer and decided to deactivate it.

"I'm certainly surprised, Sora-chan. I knew I should have made you part of the mafia instead of taking you in two years ago. You have such high potential with an ability that copies the ones of other's. So what is your answer? You still haven't given one to me."

Still a bit exhausted from using my ability I took a quick glance at Osamu who was standing next to me in a small distance. His expression unreadable, even for me.

"I'll join."

Hearing those words pleased the man in front of me even more.

"I'm glad, Sora-chan. Welcome to the mafia."

He said with a deceiving smile present on his face.

"I already planed to put you under your brother's supervision but with that information about you revealed now, there is no doubt he will give you the training to fulfill my expectations and probably even more. You will do that, right Dazai-kun?"

"Yes, boss"

As he proceeded to turn around and walk towards the exit I realized I should probably follow him since I'm now with him again. Not with Rintarou and Elise. It's just him and me again.

Stepping into the elevator, I started to think of all the moments I shared with those I wanted to call family for the past two years. Did those moments really mean anything to me?

I wish they did.

They will be in the past now. That chapter of my life ended and there will be a new one starting very soon.

I sure hope so cause I'm actually pretty motivated to continue writing and also have most of the story already planed out. But of course there is school keeping me from living out my creativity. But that's nothing new, I guess :)

Anyways, have a great day!

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