𝟏𝟑. 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭 (𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠)

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The next morning, I was forcibly ripped out of my sleep by my brother opening the curtains to make my face meet the bright morning sun.

"Good morniiing~"

I instinctively shoved the blanket over my head to bring back the darkness that would let my eyes remain closed for some more time.

"Ahh Sora, I know that just too good! I usually never want to stay up in the morning too, especially not when I have work to do in the agency. But today is different! There finally is a reason to stand up in the morning! My little sister will join the agency! We can finally work together again! I can't wait, so rise and shine already!"

Hearing his excited voice, I started to lower the blanket again to see an already fully dressed and ready-to-go Osamu standing beside the window. While looking at him like that I suddenly felt something inside of me. It wasn't a bad feeling, rather a pleasing one. It felt... good? But just as fast as it came, it already left as soon as I realized its presence.

"Come on, I already made us some breakfast!"

I sat up and made my way out of the bed as Osamu already started to walk out towards the kitchen. I didn't even realize the small smile that appeared on my lips as I saw him happily leave the room.

When I was ready to start the day, I entered the kitchen to see Osamu, waiting for me to eat something before we would depart.

"Do you really think the people from the agency would take me in?"

"I don't think so, I know so! They are actually all very nice there! Besides Kunikida maybe, he is way too strict and obsessed with his ideals. But you know that already. He was the guy you called old man yesterday, you remember?

I simply nodded to confirm that I still remember the events from the previous day.

"The look on his face was priceless! It's so easy to make him angry and you did great work doing so!"

I couldn't help but let my thoughts drift away to the memories of him and Chuuya bickering around like that. I guess he just needs someone who has to endure all of his teasing to the full extent.

Not long after we finished eating, we already made our way out of the apartment, heading towards the armed detective agency.

"What if they recognize me and know about my former position in the mafia?"

"Don't worry, Sora! I already looked through all of the port mafia files we have in the office and you weren't mentioned a single time. Seems like you're good at keeping your existence as a secret, huh?"

"Well, no enemy that made my acquaintance ever survived so I guess keeping it secret was actually pretty easy..."

I said, remembering the helpless and terrified looks on my victims' faces as soon as they realized that they won't get away from me without losing their life.

"At least that's no problem then anymore. You'll just start protecting people now and no one will even realize! Though there might be someone at the agency who could be able to figure you out... but even then, I'm sure he'll also find out your motives and won't expose you. It seems like he hasn't figured me out yet. Maybe it will be the same with you! So you don't need to overthink everything, I already took care of it!"

He really did prepare everything just for me. Why is he being so nice?

"Thank you for that, I- I really appreciate it, I guess..."

"Oh Sora, I never knew you could be so worried. You're feeling something?"

Am I?

"I don't know... There are just a lot of thoughts occupying my head again..."

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