𝟒. 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

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5 years prior

It has already been a few months since I joined the forces of the port mafia under my brother and regarding the amount of praise I got from everyone around me, I did quite well adapting to mafia life. I've always been a fast learner and fitting in and accepting the situation I'm thrown into were never a problem either.

Just like Osamu, it seems like I was made to be a mafia dog, not hesitant to kill and not showing any remorse after doing it. The first days after I was recruited, he trained me both physically and also in using my ability. Not long after that, he told me that I was already good enough to come with him on missions to let me show my full potential.

My brother often praised me for how well I was keeping up with him unlike his other subordinate he takes care of. I don't know what exactly happens to me every time he says that he is proud of me but as soon as he does, the emptiness inside of me disappeares for just a moment.

It felt... pleasing?

I wasn't able to understand what I was feeling but I wanted more of it. I wanted to get rid of the lack of feelings i have and if I had to impress Osamu in order to achieve that, I would carry out everything he tells me to do perfectly.

And so I did. Never once I failed fulfilling his expectations, the need to get praised was too high.

I know how my brother's mind works, mine works just the same. That made it even easier for me to know how I have to behave to please him.

One day, he mentioned that he wanted me to meet someone. Who was I to refuse something he wanted me to do? So of course I complied and followed him to the training grounds of the mafia.

"You remember my other subordinate I told you about, right? The one that's the complete opposite of what you are."

Some days when he was in a worse mood than usual, he told me about what a disappointment this 'Akutagawa' was. He seemed to have great potential and a strong ability but his mind and he himself were always described as utterly weak. Not once did something good about him leave Osamu's lips.


I answered his question by also nodding my head while we continued to walk through the halls of this floor.

"Good, I want you to show him how to use his ability. I'm positive you will succeed in using it, the moment you'll lay your hands on it. Unlike him, who is only able to use it for offensive moves... He never listens to me, so maybe he just has to experience what he could be capable of."

"I'll show him, Osamu."

"Oh, and don't worry about going easy on him, the only way he learns is by showing him how weak he actually is."

With that said, he turned to me and gave me a approving little smile before he opened the door to enter the training grounds.

As soon as we stepped in, a boy around the same age as me turned around, his black hair with white tips at the end, falling around his face.


His eyes filled with admiration as soon as they landed on Osamu. That admiration faded away as soon as they spotted me standing by his mentors side, now replaced with disgust and envy.

"Who is that?"

He said with a nauseated tone in his voice. Now I completely understand why Osamu thinks of this boy as disappointment. He's narcissistic. And with that behavior he won't ever be able to get any acknowledgement.

"I want you to meet my little sister and other subordinate, Dazai Sora. Sora, this is Akutagawa-kun, I told you already about him."

Hearing Osamu's nicer sounding voice that was only directed towards me, another emotion entered Akutagawa's expression.

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