𝟕. 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧

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4 years prior

The sun was already setting when I finished my mission for today. I decided to let the day fade out with a little walk through the streets of Yokohama until I found a bench to take a break on in a park.

I watched as all kinds of people passed by as I got lost in my thoughts.

But then one person stood out from the rest: brown wavy hair, black coat, bandages wrapped around his wrists, neck and one eye.


I jumped off the bench and ran towards my brother. As soon as he turned around, I already had my arms wrapped around his body to embrace him.

"We haven't seen us in a while! I miss hanging around with you every day!"

"Oh Sora, I didn't expect to meet you here."

I loosened the embrace to look up at him. He looked tired and stressed. I don't like seeing him like that so I always try to lighten up his mood.

"I could say the same. I was actually just taking a small walk since I had nothing better to do. What about you?"

"I'm about to meet some friends of mine..."

"Ehh, really?! Can I tag along? I wanna know your friends too!"

"If you want to, I guess they wouldn't mind meeting you."

"Great! I'm so glad we can spend some time together again!"

It really seems like he had an exhausting day. Usually, his mood would change to a better one as soon as I show my energetic, innocent side. But today it didn't work.

I followed him until we reached stairs leading down to a rather well hidden bar. We entered it but besides the bartender, the bar was entirely empty.

"Seems like they will only join us later."

Osamu sat down at the counter and so did I too.

"The usual."

As soon as he said that, the bartender started pouring his drink into a glass with a big ice cube in it.

Seems like he's here more often.

We just exchanged some words on how our day was before I spotted a calico cat jumping on one of the stools. I never really cared for anyone, besides Osamu maybe, since there were no feelings that would attach me to other humans but somehow I was always fond of animals. I decided to slowly walk towards it to not scare it away. When I tried to pet it, it actually leaned in as it seemed to enjoy my touch.

Automatically, a smile appeared on my lips.


"Hey, Odasaku!"

I heard Dazai say as I continued walking down the stairs to accompany him. Surprisingly, I wasn't only welcomed by him but also by a girl with the cat that sometimes strayed around here on her lap.

"Oh hello, Dazai and-?"

"Oh, you're one of Osamu's friends? I'm Sora! It's great to meet you, Odasaku!"

No doubt that she is Dazai's sister. They not only look alike but also the way they talk is pretty similar. Almost childlike.

Considering that the port mafia stole them their years of childhood, it's more than understandable why they act that way. From what I heard, Sora recently became an executive too. Way too young to already carry such a burden.

"It's great to meet you too, Sora. I already heard a bit about you from Dazai."

She carefully turned around to look at her brother, not trying to wake up the sleeping cat in her lap.

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