𝟏𝟏. 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲

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Present time

As I arrived at the headquarters, I immediately made my way to Chuuya's office. Without any doubt, I was late. He'll probably tell me again that I'm way too unreliable and how much he wishes not to be partnered up with me. That's just how it always goes. He never directly said it to me again but I know that he does care about me and that these words are just to keep up the pride he's holding.

From the moment I left Osamu to follow Chuuya's call, I had this strange feeling in me again. I don't know what it is. Why can't I just understand?

It still didn't vanish as I arrived at the door to the place I was requested to come to which was certainly particular. Usually, it would just fade away again after some time but right now, it didn't. I could still feel the full extent of it, although I couldn't even describe what it was. It doesn't hurt like it did when Chuuya said that there was nothing unique about me but it also doesn't please me like when Osamu praised me back when he still trained me.

It just existed

And not knowing what it is eats me up from the inside. Should I tell Chuuya about this? He told me to be honest with him. To stop pretending when I needed a break from it. But telling him would only worry him. I don't want him to worry about me. He should be happy, not worried. I do care about him. And I want the people I care about to be happy.

I decided to put on a carefree face to hide everything that was going on inside of me before I opened the door in front of me.

"Oh, see who decided to come by only two hours too late. That's a new record, isn't it?"

"I hope it is! Surpassing that record has always been on my bucket list. So I can finally complete that!"

"You better have a really good excuse for your delay. In that time, I could've done so many things."

"Do which things? Go out to buy milk so you'll grow taller? Haha, it's too late for that, Chuuya~"

"HAHHH? Say that again and I will make you wish you never did, you-"

"Of course you will, just like you always do~"

He then just grabbed me by the collar of my coat and dragged me out of the room towards the elevator.

"So what's the mission about?"

"You really don't have a plan about anything you have to do, don't you? I wonder how you even became an executive with those habits of yours."

"Oh Chuuya, you should know by now that I am only like that when I'm with you~ You could even call it special treatment! You should feel honored!"

"Why would I feel honored for your shitty special treatment? I don't want it."

I only looked at him with a teasing grin as we made our way outside, only to be greeted by the rain pouring out of the clouds.

"This day really can't get any greater."

I heard Chuuya mumble to himself. We then hurried to get into the car that would get us to the destination I was still left unknown of.

"Just a quick job. Go in, get rid of some people, go out, finished. No big deal. I could easily do that on my own but I'm starting to think boss just wants to torture me, making us work together."

"You think so? Then I'll have to thank him later for that! It's so much fun to tease you~"

"Just shut up already, I can't stand hearing your ugly voice anymore."

"So rude, Chuuya~"

We finished the mission pretty quickly. Just like Chuuya said, it was a very easy job. When we got out of the building, we had to infiltrate, the rain stopped and the clouds let the last rays of today's sun through, for us to see.

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