Chapter 14: Double Take

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Seraphina froze John right where he was standing, she was not done with him yet.

"You don't have a choice. You will listen to what I have to say" Seraphina told John, walking to face him.

She unfroze his eyes so he could make contact with her, and when he found her, he glared hard, unamused at the second time he had been frozen by her. But she was right, he really did have no choice but to listen, no abilities, no means of resisting, just them.

Then, just as John thought his ear would be talked off, Seraphina embraced him.

'What... I was prepared to 'listen' not be hugged!' John thought in surprise.

To John, the hug didn't feel like much as his body was still frozen in time, but to Seraphina, the hug reminded her of how she felt that day in the infirmary. Comfort, happiness, a moment of serenity amongst the chaos they had all created. Something she had missed a little too much.

'This is wrong... I need to unfreeze him' Seraphina said, feeling guilty.

John felt the feeling return to his body, now able to notice the arms wrapped around him. She was melting his heart, no words Seraphina could have said would have made him feel like this. Yet he could not rid her words from earlier from his mind, thinking that this was simply her way of saying goodbye.

John was led to believe that she did not care for him the same way he did, so he decided to be selfish in this moment and embrace her back for what he thought would be the last time. He wrapped his arms around her back, holding her tight, pleasantly surprising Seraphina who nowhere near expected this response.

"Sera..." John whispered.

Her eyes widened, even though buried in his chest, at the sound of her beloved nickname. Not so deep down she wished they could stay like this, she wanted desperately to tell John that everything she said earlier was just an act, but she couldn't risk the repercussions.

"John..." She answered.

The hug grew tighter on both ends, neither party willing to let go first. John decided to speak up.

"You gonna let go anytime soon?" He asked.

"I didn't plan on it..." She responded.

"Well for someone who wants to cut ties, you seem pretty attached right now" John joked.

"Jerk..." she replied.

"Well if you would have let me help you, all of this could have been avoided. But I guess you've got someone else now" John decided to stir the pot.

"You don't understand" Seraphina whispered.

"Then why don't you tell me!" Said John, slightly raising his voice, irritated at her stubbornness.

During this moment, John's eyes were facing towards the wall, but for Seraphina, she was looking towards the window. While looking in the general direction of outside, she caught her sister looking down the street.

'What is she looking at? Rather, what is she waiting for... SHIT!' Seraphina realized.

'She must have called for reinforcements to handle John because he refused her offer!' Seraphina concluded.

'If I warn John, I risk the trust I gained today. But if I don't I will lose him forever! I can't mess up again...' Seraphina planned.

"John" she whispered.

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