Children of the vault

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So you want to hear a story, eh? A tale of adventure across the stars? Ha! Come, listen to old Marcus. Have I got a story for you! My tale begins here, on this backwater planet called pandora. Some say it is a wasteland of greed and violence-and it is! But if you've got the skills to pay the bills, gahaha... Pandora is full of opportunity! Vault hunters. They brave the merciless borderlands in search of secret alien treasure. My father told me tales of vault hunters when I was but a little Marcuse boy-and now. I tell you. So you ask, what treasure do the vaults hide? Fame? Wealth? Power? Or maybe nonsense like "charity" or "family"-- I don't know. Use your imagination. Whatever the prize. A vault hunter must have the determination to seize victory from the jealous hands of fate! Now, my story is about a very special band of vault hunters, who have only just started their journey. They are bold. and hungry! Maybe old Marcus tells you this story because they remind me of you. Just a little, don't let it go to your head. These new vault hunters are answering a siren's call. Her name is Lilith, and she is a hero! Savior of pandora a dozen times over! Lilith is recruiting a team to hunt for a map- a map that leads to vaults all over the galaxy! But she is not the only one. Dark forces have gripped borderlands- a new threat. Unlike anything, the galaxy has seen before! My story begins right on Pandora, with our new vault hunters, their siren leader, and most importantly, me...

(the opening plays)

As you all stand there a bus pulls up and the door opens and you hear "Ah, it's a beautiful day! Full of opportunity!" seeing Marcus climb in front of the door and lean out "So, who's coming?." Marcus says and you zane and fl4k climb on you sitting next to fl4k and Zane sitting behind 2 seats. As you were reading Marcus started talking but you didn't bother looking up from your book. Then you hear a woman's voice in your head. "Nice to see someone survived the attack im Lilith commander of the crimson readers." you look up from your bookmarking your place with a bookmark Zane gave you as a gift. You look over at fl4k and see him looking down and say "she spoke inside my body strange." looking back at Marcus as he starts talking "this is your stop vault hunters." then fl4k says " excellent the hunt begins" Zane says something but you couldn't hear him. Marcus says keep well and you exit the bus. Once you get off. A small robot trend over to you 3 "hay you must be the new recruits. I am ACL for PTP Stewart but you can just call me general claptrap of the crimson raiders what's your name?" fl4k responds first " you are allowed to call me fl4k until I decide if i'm going to kill you." he says Zane responds and you last saying " im (y/n) and i'm traveling if fl4k." thanks ok i'll pre order your tume stones just in case. Now those jerks who tried to murder you are the children of the vault. A bandit cult who follows their leaders with blind devotion which reminds me. If you're going to obey my every second call you'll need an Echo device." as he says that he pulls a box from behind him with 3 of the echo devices he mentioned. All 3 of you picked one up and examined it fl4k pushed a button that made an antenna spring out from it you and Zane followed and did the same thing "the echo three slightly more power than the echo 2 and twice as expensive, besides the echo 2 had a tiny issue with spontaneous combustion so they rebranded those as grenades."

As claptrap continued talking you messed with your echo and he treated away and so you followed him behind fl4k and Zane. you arrived at a quick changes station you hurry ahead ignoring claptrap but overhearing something about his fans/stalkers you register your echo and look over, seeing Zane and fl4k walking over and they do the user agreement and then you follow him and he starts panicking about a gate being locked so you look around and find a lever that looks like it would do something and you pulled it then the car lifted up and claptrap went under. Zane followed and fl4k let you go before he did. Zane was on the other side of the wall and helped you up "m-lady." he says in a joking matter "ya, ya lets catch up with claptrap." you say before you hear a crash and see a small gap where a bord used to be "you'll need to jump over the gap recruits." claptrap says and then you see fl4k run ahead of both you and zane. You take that as a challenge and run until he manages to jump across and then you come up a bit short having to grab the ledge and climb up. Then zane does the same and you follow claptrap and watch him do his little stealth thing to a lump behind a rock and he explodes it "are you sure this is stealth?" you ask very confused "relax on pandora it's actually super weird if somethings not exploding. Now take your guns, recruits you're gonna need it." he says and you 3 grab your guns before he throws ammo at you and says for you to follow. You all reach the gate " wait here i'll talk my way in, become there king, and then you'll surprise sloder them in cold blood, watch and learn recrute." he says and you zane and fl4k are standing behind him watching "Hello anyone there?" He then says to an intercom connected to a ball thing on a stick "this is shiv, holy influencer of the children of the vault, what do you want crapbot!?" shive says "hello blodthersty maniac it is i claptrap slayer of the destroyer and super general of the crimson raders we have you completely surrounded, open the gates know and perhaps i will be merciful" clap trap says you look between fl4k and zane (you where standing in the middle of the 2) "heh let me think about that" shiv says "they may call them selvs the children of the valt but there still bandits and bandits are incredibly stupid." claptrap says "ok we're going to surrender please don't kill us crapbot" shiv says "now that's what i thought open the doors immediately for your new king." claptrap says again "easy easy i'm uh. . . i'm coming out just stay right there." shiv says.

You watch as claptrap starts to talk back to you 3 and then slowly gets pulled towards the door then the door opens revealing a big magnet and then it pulls him up into the air while he yells for you 3 "do we have to save him?" you say in a pouty tone towards f4lk and he looks back at you "yes." h says and runs forward to help claptrap along with zane giving you a look then shrugging his shoulders and runs in to. As you 3 where finishing up the last guys claptrap got pulled over the wall one more time and then you hear the voice in your head again "you gotta save him he's still in the crimson raiders." she says and so you 3 go ahead and kill more cov in the next place. After you finish killing the rest of the people you were way out of breath having to run around and avoid psychos and needing to find more amommo you where under the big magnet where claptrap was hanging while zane and f4lk went to look for shields so you wouldn't die instantly when facing off against shiv, they came back with shields for them. selfs and zane grabed you one. "HEY SHIV ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE DEAD!" claptrap yells and shive opens the big doors to let you in and fight. In the middle of the fight you were knocked down so zane distracted shive while fl4k came to your aid, at the end you managed to kill shiv with the final hit with your rocket ammo then zane went upstairs to let go of the magnet controls "aww i've missed you boy." fl4k says and you look over seeing fl4ks pet skagg Mr. Chew ''MR,CHEW!<3" you yell and jump over to the skagg and the skagg looked over and started to play with you. Fl4k watched and chuckled looking at you reaction to mr,chew after not seeing him for a bit. Then as fl4k was watching you two play he hears claptrap fall to the ground behind him "FOUND THE OFF SWITCH!" you both hear zane yell form the magnet controles up above. Fl4k went over and helped claptrap up and you followed as claptrap let out a beam in the sky and then someone landed a few feet in front of you.

[Words 1540]

yendere fl4k x F!reader [Borderlands 3 Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now