21. Family and Friends

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This chapter is WAY overdue. Long story short, I procrastinated.

But I'm dedicating this one to everyone who wanted me to update but didn't get the update until basically a year later... I AM REALLY SORRY!



The first thing Evergreen noticed when she woke up was the warmth. She was warm and cozy, in a comfortable bed, and she felt safe. Upon opening her eyes she realized that someone's arms were around her.

Blushing, she looked to her side to see Elfman, sitting in a chair by her bedside, his large arms wrapped around her. Evergreen wiped her eyes because they suddenly became moist and grabbed her glasses off the bedside table. She recognized where she was: back at Fairy Tail.

She tried to sit up, but gasped with pain. She must've broken her ribs.

Elfman woke up at the sound of her voice. "Ever? Are you okay?" He asked.

"Elfman... What happened?" Evergreen asked, her voice hoarse from disuse.

"I'll explain," Mira's voice came from the doorway. Laxus, Bickslow, and Freed followed her in.

"But first, how do you feel? You've been unconscious for almost three days," Mira said, concern in her voice.

"I...I can't sit up," Evergreen said. "But I'm awake. I want to know what happened. The villagers... Koturo?"

"He is a despicable man," Mira said, scowling.

"He's a downright bastard," Laxus said. "But we showed him."

"We pummeled him with everything we had," Bickslow said.

"And then he removed the curse from all the villagers because all the magic required to do so was draining him," Freed added.

"And then that bastard went running," Laxus said.

"So the villagers are okay?" Evergreen asked.

"Yes. That girl, Yasmin and her brother Daniel sent this as a thank you," Mira said, pulling out a sack. It was full of jewels. "Everyone in the village chipped in. I tried to say no, but they insisted."

Everyone was grinning but Elfman looked uncertain.

"Elfman? What's wrong?" Evergreen asked.

"It's just... That man... Koturo. He was so evil. He had no reservations about completely brainwashing people. And he's still out there."

"Don't worry about him," Laxus said. "Next time he shows his face, we'll have the whole guild against him. And he won't stand a chance."

Evergreen smiled. "That's right. We're Fairy Tail, right?"

"And we have the bond of loooooove," Bickslow said, drawing out the last word.

"What the hell's that supposed to mean?" Elfman thundered, as the others laughed. Eventually, everyone cleared out except Elfman.

"Elfman?" Evergreen quietly called his name.


"Were you here the whole time?" She asked, a blush creeping up on her face.

"Well," Elfman stuttered awkwardly, "I didn't really have anything else to do, being injured myself and all--"

Evergreen cut him off by planting her lips on his. She had been waiting for the chance to do that for so long.



Elfman used the jewels from the villagers to throw Mira the biggest surprise birthday party ever. The guild was decorated, and everyone hid inside as Elfman walked Mira in. The thunderous "SURPRISE" that everyone yelled really caught Mira off-guard, but she was so happy.

"Happy Birthday, nee-chan," Elfman said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Thank you, Elfman," Mira said, as she joined the party. "But I think you should spend tonight with someone else..."

Elfman followed her gaze to Evergreen, who was wearing a beautiful emerald green dress. She was looking back at him. They both quickly looked away when they realized they were both looking at each other.

"You guys are too cute!" Mira said.

"Yo, Mira," Laxus came up to them. "Don't you think you should leave your brother so he can run off with Ever?"

"I was just saying the same thing," Mira took Laxus' hand as he led her away.

Evergreen came up to Elfman.

"Quite the party you threw," she said. 

"I am a REAL MAN after all!" Elfman proclaimed.

The two bantered, blushed, and laughed the night away, and when all was said and done, the whole guild was trashed (like always) and everyone had fallen asleep (or fell unconscious because of the booze) in random places. 

But Elfman and Evergreen had fallen asleep right next to each other, hand in hand.

Mira and Laxus were the last two up.

"A couple of years ago, I never would have thought these two would end up together," Laxus said, smirking.

"Well, love is strange," Mira said, smiling softly. The two of them glanced at each other.

"Well, I'd better be heading out," Laxus said quickly.

"Oh... Okay," Mira said, hiding a smile. 

Laxus blushed slightly. "Happy Birthday, Mira." He awkwardly patted her head.

Mira laughed, "Thank you, Laxus."

The two of them parted ways, leaving Elfman and Evergreen fast asleep, beside each other, inseparable.

The End <3

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