2. A Man and a Woman...

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Elfman and Evergreen got everything ready for their job, and caught a train as soon as possible. Elfman had prepared himself for a lot of awkward silence, because the train ride was at least five or six hours long.

Instead, Evergreen spent the entire time fussing and nagging. 

"I wonder if I packed enough stuff. What if there are creepy, crawly bugs? Ugh! Maybe I should have packed a mosquito net. My complexion can't handle mosquito bites!" she said, making a hassle.

"Of course there will be bugs... it's a rainforest," Elfman said, clenching his teeth. The train hadn't even started moving and Evergreen was already getting on his nerves.

The two of them found seats next to each other and sat down. It was a surprisingly empty train ride. There were only a few other people on the train other than the two Fairy Tail mages.

Elfman turned his gaze to Evergreen. She was dressed completely inappropriately for this trip. She had a short dress on that accentuated her curves, but did little else. He tried not to stare, but she was flashing so much skin. It was distracting. Elfman sighed and looked out the window. The countryside was passing by.

"So what exactly is the reward we're looking at here?" Evergreen asked, leaning towards Elfman. He felt her breasts press up against him and jumped back, blushing.

"What?" she asked, confused, leaning in again. "I just want to see the paper."

Elfman handed her the paper and sighed with relief as she moved off of him. He sheepishly admitted to himself that maybe he wasn't the most experienced when it came to girls. He chewed his lip, and thought to himself, If I can't handle women, what kind of a man am I? Elfman wasn't sexist, but he knew that women could be shielded and not straightforward with their thoughts. In a way, they were hypnotizing. He had some inkling of all the romance that was going on in the guild, and it confused the heck out of him. 

Elfman glanced at Evergreen again. She was intently reading the job description, looking for the reward money. She pushed her glasses up her nose, a habit that Elfman couldn't help but find cute. A strand of hair fell past her eyes and Elfman had to resist the urge to push it behind her ear.

He snapped out of his reverie and looked away from Evergreen. Females sure have a certain charm to them, Elfman thought to himself.

But he resolved to himself that he wouldn't let a woman get the best of him, ever. 


Thanks for Reading! I know I say that a lot, but I really do mean it :) 

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