18. Yasmin and Daniel

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I'm so sorry for not updating in so long. Time slips away when you're busy!

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Thanks so much for reading!! Enjoy!


Just when all hope seemed lost, the two mages heard light footsteps echoing through the hideout.

"Who's there?" Elfman yelled, desperate for salvation. "Help us!"

"Elfman?" A girl's voice called out. "It's Elfman! We have to go save him!"

Elfman gasped, half in shock and half in relief when Yasmin came running up to them. 

"Yasmin?" He asked, incredulous. 

"What are you doing here?" Evergreen asked.

"Who's that with you?" Elfman asked, spotting someone else slowly coming forward, behind Yasmin.

"Is that...?" Evergreen narrowed her eyes. "It's Daniel! The guy who led us here as a beast!"

Yasmin nodded. "I'll tell you everything that happened. But first we have to get you guys out of there!" She struggled to open the cages, but nothing happened.

Then, Daniel spoke up. "I know where the keys to the cages are." 

He turned into a beast and ran to go get them. 

"Yasmin, what happened?" Elfman asked, as soon as Daniel left.

"Well..." She said, taking a deep breath. "Remember how I told you that my brother was captured by the beasts, along with all those other men from our village? It's him. Daniel. He's my brother."

Elfman's eyes widened. "So... they turned your brother into some sort of shape shifter, as well as all the other village men. That's why they were never seen again. But how did you disappear in the forest? You were there one second, and the next..."

"I'm so sorry about that... It was Daniel. He saw me in the forest and... you have to understand, he hasn't seen me in so long. He needed to talk with me privately, so he kidnapped me, in a way. But I'm all right, and he meant no harm. He told me everything... how Koturo, the guild's master, captures men and then puts them under a curse that makes them able to turn into vicious beasts. But the really horrible part is that they are all placed under another curse that makes them listen to his every word."

Yasmin's eyes filled with tears. "My poor brother, and all those poor men. They don't have control over what they do if he orders them to do it."

"So that's why..." Evergreen pieced everything together in her mind.

Then, Daniel, in his beast form, came back with the large keys to the cages in his sharp teeth.

He transformed back into a human and unlocked the cages. Both mages rushed out, thankful to be free.

"Thank you..." Evergreen said, looking at Daniel. He shrugged.

"I'm sorry... about anything I did before. It wasn't really my choice, you see," he started to say. Elfman held up his hand.

"No need to apologize... We know the story. But we don't have any time to sit here. Koturo, that evil bastard, he took all of the village men and is ordering them to attack the village. They might be there already!" Elfman had already started moving to the exit. 

"Good thing I didn't hear the order... If I did, I would've been as mindless as the rest of them. But now, I can lead you back to the village," Daniel said, turning back into his beast form.

"Let's go," Evergreen said. Yasmin nodded, and the four of them rushed back to the village as fast as they could.

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