15. Just Relax

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Elfman and Evergreen walked, hand in hand, through the dark forest. They weaved around trees and ducked under branches, not knowing what to expect with every turn.

"This is ridiculous," Elfman said. "They could have at least told us where to go so we could beat them up and go back to sleep..."

Evergreen noticed that he was getting tired, and she was too. It was dangerous to get too sleepy in a time like this... Evergreen gasped as something dawned upon her.

"They're doing this on purpose!" She said, facing Elfman.


"They're making us walk around and tire ourselves out so that they have an advantage!" She clarified. They stopped walking.

"That's low," Elfman said, scowling.

"Let's rest for now," Evergreen said.

"But... I can't just sit here and do nothing when Yasmin is probably suffering," Elfman said. "That's so unmanly!"

"Oh shut up, you big lug. You'll be of no use to her if you're all tired and lethargic. Just sit down and rest," Evergreen demanded, pulling him down with her.

Their hands still remained clasped together, and both of them noticed. But neither of them said anything.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, catching their breath. They had been roaming around for a long time now.

"By the way, Ever... I'm glad you're here..." Elfman said, suddenly. His eyes were closed.

Evergreen turned to look at him, surprised, but pleased. He looked calm and peaceful. She had a lot of things she wanted to say to him. That all the insults she threw at him on a daily basis were just because she didn't know how else to get his attention. That she felt safe and more confident when she was with him. That she found his huge muscles and chiseled features insanely attractive. That she really wanted to lean over and kiss him right now...

Her thoughts were interrupted by a growl. And it definitely wasn't either of their stomachs. It came from a beast.

Elfman's eyes shot open, and the two mages got up just as one of the sleek, black beasts approached them. It growled again, then started walking away.

"I think it wants us to follow it..." Evergreen said, shocked, and still partially trying to shake the thought of kissing Elfman from her mind.

"Let's go, then," Elfman said. The two of them jogged to catch up with the fast-moving beast.

And they were still holding hands. By this point, neither of them even noticed. It was natural.


Hehee hope you liked this chapter :D

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