Prince in Shining Armor

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King/Queen 3rd person POV
A/N: You thought they were gone and we were gonna follow Rapunzel and Velma their whole lives? Haha lol no
The king and queen had been sending out patrols of knights for years now, all with no luck. It seemed that Velma and her daughter were out of reach until the king came up with an idea.
Since the girl was being portrayed as a princess, then why not offer her hand in marriage?

Erwin's POV
A/N: That didn't last long. But it's still not Velma/Rapunzel POV 😈
It's about time that they offered a better bounty for her.
I don't want to marry some witch though. If I kill her and bring her back with the older witch's head, then I surely will be made a prince anyhow.
I have an advantage that the rest of the Knights don't: I saw which direction they ran off to on that night long ago. We've been searching in the opposite direction, so naturally there's been no results.
I started off in that direction, riding my gray dappled horse. It was slow going, considering it was nearly endless trees from the castle to the destination.
About 30 miles in, there was a break in the trees. It was a huge meadow with a looming tower smack dab in the middle of the clearing. Problem: there were no stairs nor ladder to get up to the window.
Fine then, this is just going to be a siege until they come down. The two of them can't last for forever with no supplies.
I stayed at a local inn at the village nearby. I waited in the trees all day and then slept at the inn. And let's just say the inn wasn't cheap.
About a month later, I finally saw the mother climb down out of the tower. She definitely didn't waste any time, she was back with her supplies within an hour. She called out: "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!"
What was strange was what followed: a girl with a bob leaned out of the window and grew a plant from the base of the tower to the window, carrying the elder witch with it. Then it was burned down.
I waited another two months, and I at last caught her mother going out. After about half an hour, I called to her: "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!"
The plant lifted me, all the way to the window.

A/N: Next chapter is the finale! I could've made more chapters with it, but I've decided to make it an über long chapter! Then this will be my first completed book! And sorry for the wait, I haven't been able to write much because we've been moving...

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