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Sorry, seriousness now.

Erwin's POV
I was raised to the window sill. I climbed into the tower, finding the girl. Who was named after a plant. Great.
"W-who are you?" She stuttered, backing up. She was only about five and a half feet, much smaller than I was. I didn't think this through very well, I didn't even come up with an alias. So I went with instinct and got down on one knee.
"I'm your secret admirer. I've been listening to you sing for forever now," and this wasn't even a complete lie, "and I'm dreadfully in love with you. Will you marry me?"
It seemed to work. "Wow... I've never been proposed to before... Yes!"
She made a major mistake: she came up and hugged me. I smiled and hugged back, reached around her frail body with my right arm and grabbed the hilt of my sword, quickly taking it out and stabbing her through her back to her heart.
Best way to get to a girl's heart: with a sharp sword.

Reader-chan/kun: I saw it coming.
Me: You read the picture didn't you?!
Reader-chan/kun: That's what it's there for Neko.
Me: Dangit.

Then it all came crashing down: the mother was back.

Velma's POV
I stepped in through the window, knowing something was wrong, considering Rapunzel didn't answer my call for a plant ladder.
Then my worst fears has been confirmed: the King's Knights were here. One of them anyways.
Stabbing Rapunzel.
I watched in horror as she crumpled to the floor, the sword sliding out of her body and becoming stained red. Blood pooled around her, matting her hair and coating her back.
I felt distant. I could hardly hear a thing anymore, the birds, the wind. Then I faintly heard a shrieking from somewhere... And then realized it was my own scream.
I used three fingers (clear/wind magic) to slam him against the wall. I kept him there as I raced over to my daughter.
It felt like I had been impaled instead of her, although I knew it wasn't true. It wouldn't have been nearly as painful.
I could see her heart faintly beating, trying desperately to pump blood through her body. Instead it gurgled out of the holes on both sides of her body.
I quickly mended it with two fingers (green/plant magic) stitching the muscle together with thin needle-like vines. I did the same for the skin and muscle on top of the heart as well.
The problem was: the bleeding still didn't stop.
I ripped off my sleeves and made a rope-like gauze out of them. I had to wrap it around her chest, hopefully sealing the lesion.
I whipped around to face the stranger, fire burning in my eyes. I was ready to tear him apart limb from limb, when I was interrupted by a desperate, teary call.
"Don't touch him!"

Rapunzel's POV
The pain in my chest hardly even registered over my elation at finally finding true love.
When my mother looked ready to kill him, I knew my voice would pull her to her senses.
She looked back at me, not a single trace of brutality left in her green eyes.
"Is there something you would like to tell me about this man, Rapunzel?" I knew I was in trouble when she called me Rapunzel rather than just 'Zel.
"He confessed his love to me, Mother. And I feel the same way towards him."
She stared at me in disbelief. "Anything else?"
I was slightly confused. What else was there to tell? "No?"
"Your laceration, don't you wonder how you got it?" I glanced down at the still bloodied gash in my chest. "You claim he was admitting his love, but my eyes and this trauma say otherwise."
I stared straight into her steely eyes with a look that I hoped was three times as deadly. "How exactly do I know that you didn't do it, Mother? Find a way to keep me at home?"
She scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous." Her hurried voice made me think differently.
My mother sensed my distrust. "Since you are in no physical nor mental state to be making decisions, I'll let you rest for the night and keep an eye on him."
She spit out the last words, but as her only child I knew I had her wrapped around my finger. She wouldn't lay a finger on him.
"Fine." I retorted.
I shakily stood up, the pain in my affliction searing as if on fire. My breath was took in gasps. Alas, I knew she wouldn't help me. After all, I did get my stubbornness and temper from her.
I trudged up the loft stairs, perspiration dripping down my face. I rounded the rail and turned to my bedroom.
I was so out of breath I couldn't do anything but lay down on my bed, for the fear of ripping the twinge open.
I usually cannot ever sleep without a blanket over my body, but I didn't even bother. It took awhile, but eventually I passed out, although whether from exhaustion or pain I'm not sure.

Velma's POV
I kept my silent promise to Rapunzel, albeit when he jibed at me I wanted so badly to rip his head from his shoulders, even more so considering my daughter's ailment.
I didn't leave my spot on the floor, next to the bloodstain. Rapunzel's bloodstain.
The sun sunk below the forest canopy, painting the evening sky orange. Knowing that it would be very dark very soon, I raised my third finger and lit a small flame to keep my vision of some use.
It was rather uncomfortable. He hardly said anything unless he was making fun of me or my daughter, and he had a stupid smirk on his face the whole time. I wanted so badly to wipe it off for him.
At last, the sun came up and Rapunzel awoke with a groan.

Rapunzel's POV
The agony was still there when I woke up, but to my amazement so was my secret admirer. Albeit he was being held to the wall with my mother's clear (three fingers, wind) magic, but there nonetheless.
I stiffly shuffled down the stairs. I stood beside my kneeling mother. It seemed as though she hadn't moved a muscle since last night.
"Do you truly love him?" she asked in a voice so small I almost couldn't hear it. "Yes."
She gulped and moved her head downwards submissively. "I bet you'd like to go with him and leave me, correct?"
I was shocked. She read my mind. I didn't know that I made it that obvious. I guiltily admitted, "Yes."
She turned towards him. "Do you truly love my daughter?"
"If I let her go with you then do you promise to provide for and protect her?"
She stood, released him, and grabbed the sword, still rusty with blood. She melted it and conformed the blade into many twists and turns. Ever the polite one, she held it out for him to take back.
When he got close she grasped his gauntlet and pulled him close. "While she might, I'll never forgive you for what you pulled yesterday. And I'll make sure you don't ever forget."
With that she burned his eyes out, slowly and surely painfully. Even so he didn't even flinch. If anything, this proved his love for me.
We exited the tower on the same vine, clutching each other lovingly. When we touched ground, he directed me to his horse and I led him there.
We rode in the direction of the kingdom. We arrived on the palace's doorstep and I was surprised when he said to go in.
When we arrived the king and queen welcomed us with open arms.
"My daughter! She has returned!"
The king heartily exclaimed. The queen burst out in tears. I looked around, and soon piecing together that they were talking about me.
But... How?! Had my "mother" been lying to me my whole life?
"You must be mistaken, Your Majesty, I just got here from my mother's residence."
The queen looked at me sadly. "We were both pregnant at the same time. I had cravings for rampion and she was the only one who had it. She gave some to me and then when her baby didn't make it, she demanded you as payment."
I let it sink in.
I. Was. The. Princess!

3rd person POV
Rapunzel and Erwin married soon after. It didn't take too long before Rapunzel died of infection from her wound, dying believing in the stories the crown had told her.
Erwin remarried a lustful temptress. Their kids were born, no problems to mention.
Velma died alone, still in the tower, of hunger and most likely depression.

Except, you're not supposed to know all this.

Back up to "Rapunzel and Erwin married soon after." Then add on a "They lived happily ever after."

So go ahead, believe what they tell you, about Velma being a wicked witch, Rapunzel being royalty, and even the story of ravens pecking Erwin's eyes out.

Just know one thing:
It's all Twisted.

Twisted: A Rapunzel StoryWhere stories live. Discover now