Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream

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Velma still had her right hand on Rapunzel's knee as she reached for the glass of water she put on the nightstand. She looked at Rapunzel in the corner of her eye, gulping down the water, which had grown warm ever since they sat down.

"You don't seem to be very effected by this, 'Zel."

"Well, it doesn't seem real Mommy. I think you're telling the truth, but I can't really see it," Rapunzel told her mother, slowly, as if she was indecisive on how she felt on the matter. "But what about Daddy? You didn't tell me anything about him besides you ended up on his front lawn."

Velma glanced at the tree covered horizon, a golden source of light sinking below. "I think that's enough horror for one day. We should eat supper and then go to bed. Are you hungry now, 'Zel?"

Rapunzel's stomach growled, giving her mother the answer, but she answered her nonetheless. "Very!"

Velma got up and walked down the stairs from the loft. She went into their kitchen, which consisted of a wood stove, a few cupboards, a pot and pan rack, a butcher's meat rack and few baskets for berries and herbs the mother and daughter pick during the day. The baskets were currently filled with Heidelbeere -European blueberries- and a new plant they had discovered the locals were calling asparagus.

Since it was getting dark, Velma lit a candle and placed it on the kitchen table. The darkness receded from the area, but it seemed as if it was bearing down on the edges of their line of sight, flickering darkness apparitions forming inside their minds.

Velma reached into the cupboard and grabbed a loaf of bread, two plates and two cups. Using a large knife, Velma cut the loaf in half and then cut that half in half. She placed the other half back into the cupboard and set each slice on it's own plate. A hand full of berries in each hand went onto each plate.

She went over by the wood stove, where there were earthenware jars full of water. She picked one up by it's right handle, amazing Rapunzel by her upper arm strength. The two glasses were filled with water, the jar replaced and the meal put on the table.

The pair sat down and ate in silence. Rapunzel quietly giggled when Velma made faces at her and popped the Heidelbeere berries by puckering her lips and inhaling. She grinned at her child afterwards, seeing her attempting the same thing.

The bread was fluffy in the middle with a firm crust. Rapunzel ate the bread from the middle out, folding the bread in half and eating the crusts last. She always ate her favorite foods first. Velma was the opposite, peeling off the crust first and eating the fluffy portion of the bread last. By that point, Rapunzel had already finished her bread. She ate the crusts last, so she guzzled her water down because they were so crispy. She wiped her mouth off on her sleeve and waited for her mother to finish. Velma saw her puppy dog eyes, her green eyes staring up at her pleadingly. Giving in, she gave half of her last few bites to Rapunzel. A satisfied look in her eye, Rapunzel took the bread chunk and ate it with a smile on her face.

They cleaned up after themselves and climbed the stairs up to the loft. Rapunzel went straight, Velma turning the other direction to her bedroom and brought the candle with her. They laid down in their respective beds, slipping under the heavy covers and pulling it up to their chins.

"Goodnight 'Zel."

"'Night Mommy."

With that, Velma pinched out the flickering flame of the candle, leaving the darkness to over take their vision. They had already shut their eyes.


Velma was running down a long hallway, a little girl again. The hallway was made of trees and vines, burning as she ran. The flames were catching up to her.

She passed a hump in the ground, jumping over it. A flash of yellow caught her eye at the top of the small rise. Hair, she realized. It was blonde hair, in the style of a buzz cut.


Her brother was there.


She started this fire.

However, Velma felt something under her cloak. A child, her child. Rapunzel. Suddenly adrenaline pushed her to go faster, protect her baby.

When the next mole's hill came, Velma was going too fast to avoid it. She tripped over it.

And landed face to face with her father.

She scrambled up, using her free hand that wasn't holding the baby to support her rising. Velma ran even faster. Sweat poured down her face, mingling with her tears.

An opening formed in the hallway. The walls of leaves and vines expanded to huge proportions. Off in a corner, a third knoll came along. She knew that was her mother, who protected her with her life. She paid the ultimate price for her sake.

The room condensed back into a hallway. It was closing in on Velma, hardly giving herself room for her body. There was a dead end up ahead, but Velma had too much momentum. She ran into the wall, and then fell into a hole directly below it. Velma put herself under the baby, protecting it from harm. She fell faster and faster, when she fell into a black box.

Velma sat up and looked around. She couldn't help but feel that she's been here before. She sharply turned to the right.

Gunther was reaching out to her, grasping her shoulder. He smiled. "It's going to be okay, we'll be together. Forever." His face was shot up: left eye missing, right cheek torn off, and a gaping, bleeding hole in the middle of his forehead. Gunther stroked her arm. "It's going to be alright."

She screamed.

Closed her eyes.


Quick chapter! I don't know why, but I like writing nightmares. And heads up for you Naruto fans, my Tanaka story is gonna have a nightmare in it soon! I'll try to make the story about Gunther shorter than her family's story... Note the word TRY. I've got a plot for it, but I honestly have no idea how long I'll make it yet.

The picture is of Heidlebeere, the European blueberry.


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