Chapter 3

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I woke up in the morning and set up with a stretch. It had been a week since I had come to this strange school, and I had gotten into a routine of sorts. Gojo-sensei told me that Itadori should wake up soon, which put me at ease. I was no doctor, but my worries made me think he might have fallen into a coma. Unlikely, yes, but it didn't stop my anxieties, making me think that way. I'm glad, though, but I don't know how to feel about the options itadori will have. He'll die eventually, no matter which he chooses, only because The Curse, Roymen Sukuna, is inside him. I could only hope and pray that they would spare my life if they ever found out about me. I looked down at my lap and saw Primrose. Since I've been here, Prim has been by my side. I never found out how she got here. Even Gojo and Megumi had no clue how she tracked me down, Megumi thought she was a shikigami for a bit, but it took a bit to convince him that wasn't the case.

Prim looked up at me before meowing before getting up and jumping down from the bed. She walked over to my dresser, jumped on top, and sat down. Beside her was my uniform. She stared at me and meowed again. I chuckled to myself, "ok, ok, i'll get dressed." I pulled the covers off of me, got out of bed, and headed over to Prim. I grabbed my uniform and changed into it. The uniform was pretty standard, except the skirt reached about 4 inches above my ankles and had a turtleneck. I looked over at Prim to see she seemed to approve of it. "Let's get you some tuna." Primrose seemed to approve of that sentence, got off the dresser, went over to my window, and jumped out of it." uh... wrong way," I sighed and just walked out of my room and toward the kitchen.

When I entered the kitchen, I saw Primrose already there....and she was trying to claw Gojo-sensei's eyes out. "come on, kittyyyy, why won't you let me feed you!"

I silently chuckled and walked over to him," she only eats high-grade Tuna, expensive, yes, but it's all she eats."

I said nervously as I grabbed some from the fridge that I had bought and opened it. Primrose jumped from his head and onto the counter, waiting for me to put the can down. "well, isn't she just pampered? I still don't know why she dislikes me so much. It's unfair!" awe, yes, for the past 7 days, Primrose had made it apparent that she dispised Gojo. There was something she didn't like about him for some reason. "She even likes Megumi better than me," Prim didn't really like nor dislike Megumi, but she didn't like him mainly cause of his main sikigami being, well, hounds. I set the can down, and she chowed down. I smiled softly and turned to Gojo.

"How was your um, morning? B-Besides Primrose, I mean."

Gojo grinned, "it's been good. Itadori should be waking up today. Then after he gets his stuff situated into his room, we'll get the last member of the first-year group."

He turned his head toward me, "if you'd like, you can come with me to collect him. He was your fellow classmate."

I looked down, "that is true....but I hadn't met him till that day.."

He laughed, "i don't think that matters."

He turned away from me and started walking away. "Meet me out front in 30," Then he disappeared in front of my eyes.

I slowly nodded till i realized I hadn't even verbally agreed yet, "does he do this to everyone?"

I sighed and looked at my hand to see how much negative energy there was,' it's almost full....'

When I had used purification on Sukuna, it had filled my gauge up quickly. I only realized this a few days ago,' if i had used it a second more..'

I clenched my fists,' they would have all known what i really am.'

I took deep breaths and decided to check on Megumi to see how he was doing. I walked down the hall to his room and knocked. I heard a slight groan come from within, and he opened the door. "I don't want to be dragged in- "

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