Chapter 6

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Death was an odd concept. One I had never really truly grasped. I never really thought more about it than someone no longer there. Classmates talked about grandparents or relatives passing away, crying into their friends' shoulders for comfort. Having none of my own, I never really got their sadness. I also had never considered myself possibly passing away as I knew I would outlive all my classmates anyway. There was no reason to fear death because, at the time, nothing around me could kill me or had tried to. Death had never been a problem. I never had anything to live for to fear the possibility, to begin with. Seeing as I lived on so that i could live a human life. If I were to of died, I would have considered it my time.

Things are different now, though, compared to back then. I have friends and a greater purpose. A real purpose for wanting to live on, not for my selfish desires, but for something more. Which meant I now felt the urgency to stay alive. I always thought it odd that some humans referred to death as if it was someone coming to take their life. I found it so silly. Death wasn't a purpose. It was a concept. How could death be coming for them?

I understood now, though. It was like the Grim Reaper had come for us when I heard the voice behind Fushiguro. The fear that enveloped my body was unlike anything I had ever felt. It loomed over me like a cage or shackles that kept me in place. My vision blurred from the pure shock and adrenaline that pumped through my veins, i could barely register how badly my hands shook. The smile on Sukuna's face said it all. Was this what standard curses were like? Was supposed human fear indeed something to bath in with that much euphoria? It looked like he was in pure bliss, far from anything sane. If Sukuna could be sane, to begin with, was a thought for if we survived. His eyes looked so wide i feared they might pop out from the sockets, but I knew they wouldn't. It would have given us too much time to think of escaping. Despite the feeling of doom, I tried to move my body, to grab Fushiguro and pull him over to me so Sukuna wouldn't do anything to him. My body only twitched its fingers as Fushiguro jumped over beside me to get away. Everything was going so fast that It was hard to keep up.

"You know I was in a bad mood before, but i'll be a little merciful. I should be in a good mood!" He quickly ripped off Itadori's shirt and jacket, showing off the markings over his chest.

"The brat should have been more careful, no contracts make things deadly, and the poor thing can't change back." His laugh was cruel as he debated his next course of action. He glanced at us,

"I've been thinking of all the ways I could do this. What I could do when I took control of the brat's body. Sentimental people like you two would have the most despair because of.." He raised his arm a little before plunging his hand into his chest. The blood that spewed from the wound was so much. I had to hold back the bile that almost poured out of my throat. My throat burned. He only laughed as blood poured from his mouth, and he yanked out itadori's heart in one swift motion. It pumped in his hand, still spasming as if it were still inside itadori's body, 'He's going to die, Itadori is going to die, and it will be all my fault. Why can't I move? I'd survive far longer than fushiguro, so move!' He looked over to Fushiguro, responding to something he must have said. The ringing in my ears was too much. I couldn't hear anything other than the beating of Itadori's heart. "I can live without this, but I'm afraid your punk friend can't."

He threw the heart into the grass, and I couldn't stop staring at it, 'Move, grab the heart and run, regroup.'

I barely registered that Sukuna had another of the fingers as he swallowed it. "Just like that, the positions are reversed...The hunters have become the prey."

Sukuna laughed at what Fushiguro had said as he turned to look at me, "My fear looks just right on you. Where was all that energy from earlier? Too tired to run away again?"My breath hitched in my throat. Being addressed like that allowed my mind to break free from the fear, only by a little. All I've done so far is run. He's right, i feel exhausted. "Come on, at least scream if your going just to stand there," Before I could even respond, Fushiguro ran past me with some sort of bird shikigami,' he's attacking?'

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