Chapter 4

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The three of us were waiting on the fourth first year and i couldn't beleive the sights I was seeing, who knew the building could be so big! and the billboards could move! Megumi had told me they were common in Tokyo, and I had no idea! It took everything in me not to go off on my own to explore. Itadori was less excited about it than me, but then again, he already knew they were a thing. "Wow (Y/n), I didn't expect you to be this excited about this. This is a whole new side of you"

I looked down in embarrassment, "I um..just kept to myself a lot, and I um don't even have a" This seemed to shock them both.

Even Megumi showed more emotion than usual, "how do you not have a phone?"

I felt overwhelmed and even more embarrassed,"w-well I um, don't have any money, and the teachers only gave me enough money for food, so I didn't think to use it for anything else but essentials.."

Megumi put a hand up to his face and pinched the bridge of his nose. "No wonder why your so clueless...I hate to say it, but Gojo may be the best person to buy one for you. Phones are essential."

I looked down. I felt ashamed that I didn't have one, 'Was not having a phone that terrible?'

Itadori sighed, "when you put it like that to her, you make it sound like a crime. Anyway, don't you think it's weird that there are only four first years?"

Megumi looked over to him, "think about it, have you ever met anyone else that can see curses?"

I looked back up, "that's true. If they were that common, there would have been even fewer curses back at our old school since they probably would have helped me get rid of them."

I looked to my left to see Gojo coming our way, "sorry for the wait, awe Itadori, your uniform came in time."

Itadori nodded, "yeah! fits great, but why is it different?"

Gojo grinned. It was apparent he was the culprit for this, "that's because you can customize it when you send the form in to order one. I just decided to customize it for you."

I nodded, "since I got here earlier than you did, I was um, able to do it. I'm not a fan of short skirts."

Itadori nodded, "so that's why it was so long."

Megumi shook his head," enough of that. Why are we in Harajuku?"

I looked back over to Gojo, "that's what he asked for."

I suddenly heard a commotion up in front of us. A boy with short orange hair with a duffle bag over his shoulder had a random guy buy the neck of his shirt, "Wanna run that by me again, old man?"

I felt terrible for the guy, 'what did that guy do to that scary guy?'

The others looked over, "don't tell me it's that guy?"

I looked back over at itadori in shock, "wait, what?"

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