Chapter 2

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I didn't expect to be in a car with four strangers, one of them being asleep. I also didn't expect I would ever leave this town and go to Tokyo."So...What exactly is going on?"

Gojo looked back from the passenger seat."I decided you would be an excellent addition to our little Jujutsu Academy, so your coming along with us just so you can see if it's for you or not."

I blinked, "do I get a say in this.."

He looked at me and only grinned wider." nope!"

I looked down and nodded, "ok then.."

He chuckled, "that was fast,"

I rubbed my arm, "I'd rather avoid something that I won't win."

Megumi sighed from beside me, "leave the girl alone, Gojo. It's bad enough your basically kidnapping her."

Gojo laughed, "and since your in the same car as me, that makes you my number one accomplice."

Megumi snapped at him, "don't rope me into one of your ideas!"

Gojo looked forward and took his phone out, "too late!"

he took a selfie with us in the back of the photo." now you can't deny it."

Megumi clenched his fist," I'm seriously going to hit you." I looked out the window as trees went by. These people were..unusual, to say the least, but this is the most I've ever had people genuinely talk to me. It felt..nice. The trip to this supposed Jujutsu sorcerer school was a long one, I slept through most of it and got a slight ache in my neck because of it, but eventually, we got there." so traditional.."

I looked in amazement. For whatever reason, I always preferred the more traditional Japanese buildings than I did with modern ones."Jujutsu Tech is sort of like our base of operations. Our cover is that it's a religious school." I nodded as we headed up. Gojo was carrying itadori the whole way.

We walked up some steps," first, before anything, your going to have a little interview with the principal."

I got anxious almost immediately."won't it be just a bother to drop in like this suddenly?"

He held up a peace sign, "nah, I called ahead."

Megumi looked over." when did you?.."

Gojo kept walking like nothing happened."Doesn't matter now. Off you go, Fushiguro, you need treatment." He grumbled before walking off to someplace i don't know. Now it was just me, Gojo, and a heavily sleeping Itadori. I looked up at the building in front of us and couldn't help but feel a little intimidated. The door was open, revealing a dark-like room only lit up by candles that were on the inside of the pillars that held up the ceiling."Your late, again, Satoru" I jumped as the door closed behind me. I looked to the far end of the room to see an older man with short ash hair and sunglasses working on a plushie. Several other plushies were scattered around them.

I couldn't help but think the plushies look somewhat creepy."Principal Masamichi Yaga,"

Gojo said, ignoring the man's chastising."Don't ignore me Satoru, is this the girl you were talking about?"

I bowed, "Hello there sir, I-I'm (Y/n) (L/n), I came here with Satoru-san to see if I would like to become a jujutsu sorcerer and go to school here"

I mentally cursed myself for stuttering.' I rehearsed it in my head too..."

He looked at me, "why?"

I tensed, 'oh no, how do I respond to that?'

I swallowed down my anxiety," w-what do you mean, sir."

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