Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys! I've had the idea of writing a story on wattpad for awhile but after talkiing to one of my friends, (they know who they are ;)) I was convinced. So anyway, this is my story. Keep in mind, I am 14 so don't expect some mind-blowing story or perfect wording or perfect grammar. Okay? Okay. Now without further ado, here's my story!


I woke to the sound of a lock unlocking. Is it really this late? I turned my head to the digital clock on my nightstand to see that it read 10:30 am.


"Here's your breakfast, Liz. Better eat it." said a deep voice. That voice belongs to the one and only Adam Storm, aka my 'father.' Couldn't tell you what he looks like.....I bet he's ugly though. I breifly saw him 5 years ago when I tried to escape. That obviously didn't go well.

"Yes Adam." I replied while rolling my eyes, even though he couldn't see me. I refuse to call him 'dad,' 'father,' or anything a daughter would call her male parent. "Daddy Dearest" over there is an evil little asshole who doesn't care about his child's well being. He wasn't always this way. I remember when he loved me...

"Watch the attitude, sweetheart, or say goodbye to your food," he said. I sighed to myself and picked up the food. My brekfast consists of a granola bar, a piece of toast, and a bottle of water. Way to be cheap Adam. I took a bite of the toast and cringed. Stale, burnt toast...great. Guess I'm not eating. I hid the granola bar and water for later. "I guess I'll get dressed." I mumbled. Adam was kind enough to buy me, boring clothing but what can you do? I put on a pair of denim shorts and a light blue tank top. I found my light blue Converses and put them on. I went into my bathroom and straightened my hair. I did my make up which consisted of light eyeliner, mascara, and foundation. I guess I look presentable. Nobody is going to see me except my private teacher....I don't understand why I put so much effort into my outfit.

I walked to bed and sat down. I glanced at the clock seeing it was already 11:35 am. My eyes wandered to the picture frame beside my clock of my mother and I when I was 5. We both had huge smiles on our faces since it was my birthday.

"Oh Mom, why'd you have to leave me." I whispered to myself. I felt a tear slide down my cheek. "Why?!" My eyes felt filled with tears but I tried not to start sobbing It's been 10 years Liz. Get over it. But I know it's never going to hurt less.

I heard the locks once again. Shit. Mr. Windser is here. I wiped the few stray tears that escaped my eyes. When the door opened, I looked up. "Good morning Mr. Windser." I said with a fake smile.
"Morning." He replied. "Shall we get started?"


Around 3:30 pm, he finally left. I then allowed the smile to leave my face. Thank God he's gone. I really hated that guy. I don't know why, but Adam hired a private teacher; I can't figure him out. But anyway, I appreciate that Mr. Windsor kept up with my education but he knows that I'm locked in this shed and he hasn't said anything to the police. I can hate him for that right?

Now that he is gone, I can finally work on my plan to escape this hell hole. I took out my notebook from under my bed and sat at my desk. I opened up it to the page with the checklist. I took out my bag and made sure everything was in it. Food? Check. Clothes? Check. Money? Check. Ah, that was a great day. When Adam was serving me food, he accidently slipped his wallet in with the tray. There was about $350 inside. Gotta thank him for being an idiot right? Anyway, plan? I searched through the bag looking for it and panicing because I couldn't find it. I started searching around but then I remembered where it is. I walked over and saw it right there in my notebook. I'm such an idiot. huh, I do take after Adam in only one way. I cringed at the thought of having something in common with him. I put my notebook inside my bag. I smiled to myself.

I'm escaping.


A/N: Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think and tell me if I should continue this story or not. Myabe there will be another chapter ;)

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