Chapter 10

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I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew the movie was already over. I was still leaning on Gray. I looked up at him and saw him asleep also.

He's so cute when he sleeps.

Looking at him I couldn't help but smile. I'm so grateful for him coming into my life at my time of need. I still regret not telling him my real name. I feel so guilty but I don't want him to hate me for lying...

Suddenly I saw his eyes flutter. He was waking up. I turned my head away from him so he wouldn't know I was looking at him.

"Chloe?" I heard his voice say.

"Yes Gray?" I replied and turned my head to face him once again.

"We both fell asleep during the movie..."

"Yes we did." I said, giggling afterwards.

He said nothing for a little while but then checked the time on his phone.

"It is already 6 o'clock?!?" He said, sounding surprised.

"Guess so."

"My mom is coming home from work soon." He said.

"Oh well...I'll just leave then...thanks for such an amazing day!" I hope he didn't catch my slight disappointment when I said I would leave...

"No, no! You should stay and have dinner with us! She would love you."

"Oh I don't want to be a burden..."

"Nonsense, she loves company."

"Well...guess I will stay then." I said then turned and smiled at him.

Next thing I knew I heard the front door open.

"Gray? Are you home?"

Guess that is his mother.

"Yeah mom I'm in the living room." He replied. I heard foot steps walking towards where a woman appeared in the doorway. She was tall with brown hair and eyes like Gray's. She wore business attire but seemed to have a carefree attitude.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything." She said as she looked between the two of us with a small smirk plastered on her face. Gray and I looked at each other and realized we were still in the position we fell asleep in. I blushed then shot up away from him. I heard his mom laugh.

"Well Gray why don't introduce me?" She said to him.

"This is Chloe." I cringe. "Chloe, this is my mom."

"It is very nice to meet you." I say then smile at her politely.

"Oh please you can call me Ashley." She smiled. "Since tonight I'm home late we're going to order take out. As long as that's okay with you Chloe?"

"It is okay with me." I smiled at her once again.

"Want Chinese, Gray?" Ashley said.

"Yes! I love Chinese." He said excitedly.

I started to laugh at how he said that. It was so adorable like a little kid. He gave me a playful glare.

"Well, I'll bring the menu over here in a minute." Ashley said. She turned and walked away.

"You are such a child, Gray."

"I don't know what you are talking about." He said, scoffing at the idea.

I just laughed and shook my head. His mom came back and handed the menu to us.

"Pick anything you want Chloe." She then smiled. "Now I am going to get out of these dreaded clothes." She then walked up a set of stairs I could see from the couch. I assume her room is up there.

"Do you know what you want?" He asked me.

"Uh should pick for me."

"I've been picking everything today."

"Yeah so?"

" should pick your own food." He poked my face.

"Pleaseeee pick for meee." I said and pouted at him.

"You're lucky that you are cute." I heard him mumble under his breath.

I smiled in victory. I heard steps once again on the stairs and saw his mom come down. She was wearing pajamas, quite a change from the business attire. She came over to us.

"Decided what you guys want?" She asked.

"Yes we have." Gray replied. He proceeded to tell her the order he chose.

"I'll go order it now...sit tight for about 20 minutes until it is delivered." And she disappeared again.

"You seem to have a close relationship with your mom." I said to Gray. I could just tell by how comfortable they are with each other.

"Yeah...we grew close after my dad left 7 years ago..." He said.

"I'm sorry to hear he left you guys." I put a small frown on my face. "He didn't deserve you anyways."

"Yeah he did not..."

He seemed sad now. And that was my fault. Now I have to cheer him up.

"On the bright side, you have me right here next to you!" I smiled at him. He laughed.

"Yes that is the most wonderful thing ever." He said with a smile. I did it. Yay.

"So, do you want to watch TV until the food is here?" He asked me.

"Sure why not."

He proceeded to put on the TV and I got myself comfortable on the couch once again.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I don't like the way this came out but I feel it should be posted anyway. Fight me about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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