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Performing on the stage were a group of people wearing blue hoodless jackets, singing acapella while doing a lot of footwork.

And one of them even smirked at Hakkai.

"Did... Did that guys just smirk at me?" Hakkai grimaced.

Kazutora pats his shoulders. "Dont mind." He said.

"Alright Acapellafuckers, we're winning this thing. Just do exactly what we practiced. No surprises. No add-ons." Izana said.

Sanzu looks away, frowning.

"Alright. Hands in." Izana said.

"On three or after three?" Baji asks.

"... Y'know what, screw this. Let's just do it." Izana facepalms, walking to the stage once they were announced to come.

Izana blows the pitch pipe, then pocketed it, counting. "1,2,3,4." He counts, before singing the same song as the previous competition's.

"Andd.... Looks like they're sticking with the same song. Again." Gojo deadpans.

"This wont do them better, Satoru." Getou sweatdropped.

You heard this due to your really good hearing, worriedly singing as you saw how bored the crowd and judges looked, and how the other groups mocked The Revengers.

You inhaled, before trying to spice things up, remixing Izana's The Sign with the song in your track earlier.

"This time baby, I'll be... Bulletproof~" you sang, seeing the people perk up and grin in interest, so you made sure to continue it, making sure your voice was loud.

Sanzu almost tripped, eyeing you with dilated eyes, along with Hanma and Kazutora. They were looking at you like you grew three heads.
Mikey was internally smiling at the improvement of the performance though.

"This time baby, I'll be Bulletproof~"

"I saw the sign!"


Izana was glaring at you, the tension filling the stadium and reaching the hosts.

"Woah the tension! It's chilly!" Gojou exclaimed.

"It seems like there's a little misunderstanding in the middle of performance! I hate to say this, but you do know that one mistake can ruin everything. But do remember! This is only a college competition!" Getou said.


Exiting the stage, The Revengers were quiet, as Izana was very angry.

"What the hell was that, Y/N?!" He yells. "We talked about this!! We were supposed to stick to what we practiced!!"

"Are you serious?" You scoffed with a smile. "I'm sorry that I messed you up but... Have you seen how bored the audience were during our set? And the judges were about to give us a low score if it weren't for me." You said.

"Well, news flash! This isn't the Y/N show. You don't get to decide what we do and when we do it! Why dont you ask the rest of us on what they think about your little improvisation?!" Izana exclaimed, clearly angry and holding back.

The guys stayed quiet as the two of you looked at them, Izana had an angry look while you were just silently observing as everyone avoiding looking at you.

"Sanzu? Kazutora? Shuji? Ran?" You asked desperately.

"I-.. I mean it was really cool, but it did caught us a little off guard." Sanzu said, before looking away. Hell, even Ran was avoiding your eyes, not even trying to stop Izana.

You felt your heart break at this.

"Yes! A LOT off guard!" Izana exclaimed. He then sighs in stress. "I knew you weren't a real Revenger." He says.

"Izana dont-" Mikey tried, but you cut him off.

"No, stop. You dont need to pretend you're allowed to have a say in the group. I get it." You said.

"Your attitude sucks, you're a Grade-A pain in my ass, and don't think I dont know about you hooking up with Akutagawa from the Strays." Izana said.

"Woah woah Izana calm down, we aren't hooking up, ew." Akutagawa said, stopping this. He was with the other Stray Dogs, who were trying not to intervene because they never saw Izana this angry.

You looked at Izana in disbelief. "Look. First off, he's asexual, second, he likes someone else." You said, with Akutagawa nodding at your statement.

"Lastly... If this is what I get after trying to save this boring performance and aiming for that high score you wanted... Then fuck this, I'm out." You shook your head, a single tear running down to your cheek as you immediately removed your chain necklace on your neck, along with your Revenger belt, and throwing it to the ground, with the necklace almost breaking.

"Y/N-" Akutagawa tried to take your arm, but Atsushi come into the scene telling them it was their turn performing.

"And Ran? I-... I actually liked you..." Was the last thing you said, rushing out while wiping your tear, with Mitsuya and Kakucho running after you to try and talk to you.

"Y/N, hey! Y/N, wait!!" Mitsuya calls out when you slammed the exit door open, rushing off. "Y/N please talk to us!" Kakucho yelled.

The Revengers stayed quiet, the situation was too serious for them to joke around or even make statements.

"Shut up! I dont need help from any of you!! Can you back off?!" Your voice was heard from the exit.

Kazutora gulps down the forming lump in his throat, looking down with a guilty expression. 'This is all Izana's fault...'

Hanma scoffs, leaving. "How dull."

Ran had dilated eyes out of shock, feeling his own heart get crushed to pieces when he saw your heartbroken expression. He breathes out a short exhale, shoulders dropping along with his mood.
Rindou came and hugged him from the sides, taking a shot on comforting him in hopes of getting his mood back.

'I fucked up.. didn't I? I fucked up... Big time.' Ran thought.

"But it was actually really good, Zana--" Draken said, but got cut off by Izana storming off with a "Shut up, Draken."


"And the Bungou Stray Dogs seal the deal tonight!" Gojo announced.

"Unfortunately, MultiAni's other group, Tokyo Revengers, do not advance, and Senior Kurokawa Izana loses his chance to redeem himself after last year's Black out." Getou follows.


A/N: don't worry y'all, Izana's character development is around the corner.

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