Dragon Storming the Castle

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**Oz POV
"I hope everything goes okay! See y'all again soon!" I said to my patient and his parents.

I had been lagging in my rounds, which I had missed a bit instead of dealing with the adults and their existential crises.

"So, Dr. Blue, where have you been? Haven't seen you around lately." Nicole, one of the nurses in the peds department asked me.

I shook my head, "The director has me working in another department. Sorry I haven't been around much."

She shook her head, "It's fine, I don't mind. Especially the past few weeks since my girlfriend and I broke up."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I told her.

Nicole shook her head, which made her red curls fly a bit, "It's fine. She clearly wasn't the one I needed."

I shrugged, as she clearly wasn't that heart broken.

My phone went off, "Hello?"

"Oz! We need you down in the unit! We just got a patient, a really important one." Bex told me over the phone.

She was talking so loud I had to pull it away from my ear.

"Girlfriend?" Nicole mouthed in a teasing way.

I gave her a dirty look and put the phone back to my ear, "Who is the patient this time, Bex? Someone I know?"

"The founder of the Data Disease Unit, and you know her well...she's your sister."

*** **** ***
I ran to the unit, completely shocked at the news I was just told over the phone.

How could my older sister be the founder of the Data Disease Unit and how could she not tell me that?!

I went to the treatment room and there she was, in her blue colored suit and her hair in multiple braids put up into a ponytail.

"Oz." She said, shocked I had come into the room.

Bex looked at me when I came in, her eyes wide.

"Sabrina...you never told me you were the founder of the unit. Why didn't you tell me and now you're sick with Data Disease..."

She shook her head, "You didn't think to tell me you were Mighty, Ozzie. Guess we're both at fault here."

"Wait you guys didn't know about...?" Bex asked, shocked.

Sabrina sat up, "We don't see each other everyday and since mom died..."

"I don't think Bex needs to know about our family drama, Sabs. Let's see what strain you got and we'll go from there." I said, going over to my big sister.

I looked at Bex, "Have you called the others yet?"

"Kate and Josh are working on something, Sky is on her way." She replied, going to the other side of the bed.

I nodded and looked at the scans.

The signature was oddly familiar, "Bex, are you seeing this?"

"Yeah. It's the same as Drago's. Did you say a man infected you with a black game?" Bex asked Sabrina.

My sister nodded, "Yeah. Confronted me in the parking garage as I was coming here."

"Hmm...wonder what Drago wanted in order to infect you." I said to her.

She shook her head, clearly not sure.

The door opened once more, and in came both Sky and the Director.

I noticed Sky was walking a bit faster in front, probably to get away from her father as he was talking to her.

"You know how important this is, you have to be..."

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