Chapter 1: A new beginning for Gaspar

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Author: Decided to create a new story cuz why not?

Author: anyways you know the up in the cover so yeah

Author: I will continue TQYLW later it takes time and research for B.s to entertainment for you readers

Author: If you hate Gaspar then change Gaspar to (y/n)

Author pov

It was like any other morning the birds are singing, the clouds moving in the sky, the trees swooshing, and we see a house of Hyoudous

Let see what is Gaspar up too?

Author pov end

3rd pov

???: wake up child it morning

Gaspar shock right up and see it was 5 am in the Morning

Gaspar: ... that dream again it happened again? A red hair girl, a neko girl, some blonde dude, a weird pervert lady, and more.... Nah!

Gaspar got out of bed and go to the closet, get his Kuoh academy uniform and go to the shower, etc, etc like every daily routine in the morning

Gaspar: I need to wake up my pervert Onii chan

He went to his pervert big brother, short bio Gaspar is around the age of 15 and he isn't a pervert like his big bro Issei and he's very intelligent kid more smart than Einstein, and he went to the same school that was use to be an all girl school and it change to co-ed school. If you don't know that means, it means the all boy/girl school. Anyways we see Gaspar keeping knocking the door of his perverted big brother.

Gaspar: Onii chan! It's morning! Get up!

no response

Gaspar: *Sigh*

Gaspar walk back a bit and knocked down the door seeing his big brother with a perverted face in his sleep

Issei: ZZZZZ hehehehe~ Oppais come back here hehehe ZZZZ

Gaspar with a track mark in his head, he decided jump in the air and landed back of his perverted brother back which results his eyes got out of his eye sockets and came back to the sockets. The pervert brother only to see his little brother on the side of his bad whining and crying.

Gaspar: Come on mom cook for us and get dress it the first day of school and also my first real school for me, so hurry up!

Issei then got up and dress up and went down stairs were his family was there eating breakfast

Gorou: What method did you use this time Gaspar?

Miki: I'm quite curious as well

Gaspar: The good ol' waking from the air, then landing his back

Issei: Can you take it easy it me the next time you wake up?

Gaspar: Nope! *smiles*

Issei sighs, and eat his breakfast with his family after that he and his little brother put on the shoes and left, before that Gaspar give both a hug to his parent and catch up with his perverted brother.

They we're walking towards to school and catch up with two monkeys with no brian, Motohama and Matsuda

Gaspar sighs and left the pervert trio there and he knows nothing about what girls has or hasn't he innocent and was homeschool by his parents and some tutors, but what he didn't learn is sex ed

Gaspar: ' Geez what with my Onii chan and his friends talking about with girls? I just don't get it '

He went to the school gate and he saw the girls squealing about how cute he is (the picture in the cover without the horns)

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