Chapter 2: Oh no!... anyways Pt1

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Author: hello! Everyone how you guys doing?

Author: ready for another chapter?

Author: okay 👌

3rd pov


Issei: Yep you heard me I got a girlfriend! And her name is Yumma!

Moto: Aye Gaspar tell me he lying

Gaspar said say nothing

Mata: He's lying right? Right?

Gaspar say nothing again

Issei: Accepted it I have a girlfriend! And you guys don't! Ha!

Issei and Gaspar walk towards to school

Issei being very happy,but for Gaspar

Gaspar: ' T-t-that c-c-can't be real right? It's a dream right? '

If you don't know what he talking about, wait just wait


Gaspar was listening and taking notes, while Issei...was being Issei

Time skip to lunch brought you by Chibi Issei running away from chibi Gaspar

Gaspar: ' three functions devil, angel and fallen what does have to do with my big brother? Nightomare? '

Nightomare, was inside of the young Gaspar, and tell him everything he has to know. Gaspar found this out during his sleep and awaking up.

Nightomare: ' It due to his sacred gear in his body and soul and you know what happen in your dream right? '

Gaspar didn't want to believe it, but he has to or else it will become true

Gaspar: ' this sacred gear... Does my Onii-chan has it and why their after him? '

Nightomare: ' take a guess and his gear is called boost gear it allows the user to boost up their strength, but it limited due to your physical strength '

Gaspar: ' I see '

Issei: Hey Gaspar you good?

Gaspar was out of his thoughts with Nightomare and see his big brother gaining a worry look

Gaspar: Yes Onii chan? Is there something wrong?

Issei: you haven't talk all day

Issei: Are you good?

Gaspar: I'm fine Onii chan

Issei: you don't look fine, you need talk to me or someone if something is bothering you

Gaspar: Okay Onii chan (he hugs his big brother)

Issei: I know I'm a pervert, but I have to worry my family too (hugs back his little brother)

After what felt like years they broke up the hug and continued their lunch together before the rest of the day in school

Time skip brought you by Chibi Rias going against Chibi Sona in chess


Gaspar: ' I have to protect Onii chan! '

Gaspar got off his bed and do his daily routine and waited for his Onii chan to get ready for his date

Timeskip brought you by chibi Gaspar following Issei

Gaspar: ' this is the place that Onii chan have his date right Nightomare? '

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