Chapter 7:Koneko vs Gasparichu pt2 / Kiba vs Maeda Suna pt 1

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Before we start the chapter, I want to thank you for reading this book. We have over 1 thousand reads! I don't what to say but to say thank you!

This book is a bit off from the original story of High school DxD. I know, but it was very creative!

Anyways back to the story!

With some music of course

Gasparichu and Koneko starts charging at each other without any hesitation. Punches to kneeing each other, Powerful blows, and many more of normal boxing, martial arts.

Not giving one slip of an attack. Everyone at the Stadium in the Rome planet. Their were very surprised at how fast and how powerful the blows hits. Even Team Rias were in shock.

Team Rias Pov~

Rias: W w was she this powerful?

Kiba: I I have no idea!

Rias: She is more powerful and more faster then she previous was!

Asia: Wow Koneko-chan is really cool!

Akeno: Hmm Koneko is sure strong, no wonder why Gaspar-kun have to (change) her

Rias was piss she didn't like the word (change) because the three goddess make fun of her. Rias look dead straight into the eyes towards Akeno. Making Akeno giggles that she piss off her buncho.

Issei was being asleep, not having a care for the world. He was sleeping on the bench that was very comfy to sleep in. Rias look over to Issei thinking he not taking anything serious.

Rias: Issei! Wake up! You have to take things -

Issei: *snorting*


Issei look very bother by Rias. So, Issei woke up and stand up. Walking to Rias who was b*tch talking about him not taking things very serious. Issei grab her chin and made her look at his face. (Sort like this)

(Tsubomi Takane ~ Rias / Shigeo Kageyama ~ Issei)

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(Tsubomi Takane ~ Rias / Shigeo Kageyama ~ Issei)

Issei: Look here you red bunny I am not here to take orders from you. I am a top and the most powerful devil in our group so whatever you say does not mean anything to me red bunny. So choose your words carefully, Red bunny.

Issei let's go of her chin and went back to the bench and went back to sleep. Kiba saw this and decided to talk with Issei, but Rias told Kiba to not interfere with Issei since he already powerful enough to kill without hesitation. Kiba back down and continue to watch the fight. Rias on the other hand is seem to be blushing crazy on what he said. But come down when something interesting happen to the fight. Rias under her breath day something.

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