chapter 9: Round 3/Asia vs Taka/ Nun vs Martial artist!

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After a whole day of relaxing and wonderful rest, its time for the fighters to fight again to see who are the strongest.

Announcer: Ello' devils and hedgehogs! Welcome back to the area! We will continue where we left off! After Kiba has been defeated, Maeda has won the battle, so our next fighters will be!

As the announcer spins on the wheel and rotated to be an.

Announcer: Can we have Asia, and Taka on the battle area?

Asia and Taka enter the battle area...

Asia: My, I hope you don't go easy on me, just because I am a girl doesn't mean you go easy on me.

Taka: Oh, I really don't take it easy on whoever I am fighting or what I am fighting, therefore I will be the victor

Asia: Not if I go first!

Announcer: READY? SET....  FIGHT!

Asia proceeds to go first, and with Taka the hedgehog was able to read her moves. But here's the thing...

Asia: you thought I was going to first punch you, but meet the unexpected!

Asia instead of punching his face, she punches the balls of Taka very hard.

Every man in existence: OOF!

PLANET EARTH, Location Rias club

Gaspar: Will... I did teach her to opponents who have a future sight, without them knowing what their next move is...

Ravel: Okay?

Gaspar: But the balls? Seriously? Why!

Ravel: J Just keep watching

Gaspar: Alright, My "girlfriend", Hehehehe ~

Ravel: why are you like this?

(Ravel covers both of her hands due to teasing of Gaspar and the amount of embarrassment)

Back to Planet Rome, battle arena

Taka: My balls Ó⁠╭⁠╮⁠Ò

To the judges pov

Announcer: Uhh ... What an unexpected.... Of events.... Judges?

Sirzechs: I felt that.... What an sad fate for the hedgehog


Yasaka: What an unexpected attack, wow

Kunuo: Uhh mom, what just happened?

Yasaka: Hmm... The men's testicles hurt hard and the man doesn't feel it

Kunuo: Huh....

Micheal: Is that even allow? Uhh

Announcer: Well.... Everything is allowed on the planet Rome, you useless angel

Micheal: HEY!

Announcer: Back to fight

Back to the fight pov


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