Chp 8.5: Merry Christmas!( an short story)

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Gaspar Hyoudou was sleeping peacefully with no disturbance. He is sleeping with Ravel and Koneko in his room. Gaspar found out that Koneko change into a "fine" body. But this is beyond his imagination.

He thought Koneko to be more mature than before, but that turns out she is still the same as she previously was. He was a little disappointed that Koneko hasn't matured at all. But that is the fun of her ... being herself.

The day hits on the 24th of December, and Gaspar wakes up early than usual. He gets out of bed and runs down toward his big brother's room and busts down the door alerting everyone in Issei's room.


Issei: Could you not? It's like 4 am in the morning (said a very tired Issei)

Rias: hmm ... Gaspar why did you wake us up in the early morning?

Akeno: This might be a good reason why Gaspar-kun~

Gaspar: Of Course, I have plans for this day!

When all three of them heard Gaspar have plans, which means it must be great. And they will have a blast. What they didn't know was that someone very important will come and celebrate with them during the day. For now, the young reborn origin creator left the room and ran to his parent's room to wake them up.

Everyone was present in the living room. Gaspar told everyone in the house to come to the living room to meet someone this is very surprising to them that Gaspar invited someone from outside of their family. Besides Issei who invited the girls, they were surprised that Issei invite girls except for Koneko who seems to know Gaspar's house (no she didn't stalk him... Koneko force me to say this).

Gaspar: Alright it seems everyone is at present that really good!

Issei: So where is the person you told us where to meet?

Gaspar: He's using the restroom at the moment

Koneko: hmm, is it a girl? (She was curious if Gaspar invited a girl or a boy, she didn't mind, but getting close to the shota will bother her with the girl flirting with the shota)

Gaspar: Well no...

Gaspar: They ... like ... Uhm

He was stuttering a word, confusing the people, and when the bathroom door opens and saw another shota, but with white hair that matches the snow, and bright crimson red eyes that can look like the great red, and finally the pupils are white as his hair. His height is smaller than Gaspar who is 5"2 while the small shota is 4"9. (In centimeters is 157 for Gaspar, while the new shota is 145 cm). Unlike Gaspar personally who is always cheerful and carefree, this new shota is not carefree, and given this serious aura that not to mess with him, if you do it wouldn't be so merciful. Besides that the new shota hatred face, one thing the people who were the thing in their minds are... (here the picture)

 (here the picture)

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