The Pursuit

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Nathan's pov:

After the vampires left, my friends all gathered around me to check to see if I was ok.

Syd: Are you feeling ok, Nathan?

Nathan: Yeah, I'm feeling better than ever, surprisingly.

Samantha: I'm glad we didn't lose you.

David: But holy shit, that was close.

Nathan: you guys are why I pushed through and fought it off. I never want to lose myself or you guys.

Samantha then hugged me and kiss, and I did the same. I also saw my friends smiling at me and Samantha's affection for one another.

Kolro: And I must say, overcoming the vampiric blood was astonishing. I've never seen anybody do that on their own.

David: I'm happy things worked out in the end.

Nathan: Yeah, me too.

Syd: Well, we should get going. We all deserve some rest after this night.

Kolro: Agreed. In the morning, we'll need to figure out what to do next.

As we were walking to the front entrance of the vacant church. We all stopped in our tracks and sensed two beings behind the door. Then there was pounding on the door.

David: I thought we were done?

Kolro: guys, get ready! They can bust through that door at any moment and attack us.

We all readied our swords for the oncoming attack. Then the door finally busted open. I then saw both of my parents.

Nicole: sweetie, you're still ok! Thank god!

I was confused by the sight of my parents, but before I could do anything, my parents rushed over to me and embraced me in a hug.

Michael: we saw the news, and we were worried about you.

Nathan: I'm ok, Mom and Dad. Wait, how did you find me?

My Dad pulled out his phone.

Michael: we installed an app on your phone that helps us find you and know you're safe.

Then my mom looks around to see my friends. Then her eyes landed on Kolro. She quickly tensed up with fear.

Nicole: Michael!

My mom then points to Kolro. Causing my father to notice too.

Michael: Get back! Whatever you are, you're not hurting my family or my son's friends!

Nathan: Wait, Dad!

Nicole: Nathan and you three get behind us!

Samantha: Mr. and Mrs. Morris, you got it all wrong.

David: yeah, our boy here is chill as shit.

Kolro: Don't worry, I have no ill intent to harm you. I'm here to help.

Michael: Bullshit! you're-

I then step in between Kolro and my Dad.

Nathan: Dad! He's our friend!

Michael: what do you mean?

Nathan: remember how I told my friends and I would train with a guy we met not too long ago? Well, this is Kolro.

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