Watery Depths

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Nathan's pov:

After a little while, We finally hit the ground instead of landing on a hard surface. We landed on something soft. I rubbed my hands on the surface of where we landed and turns out to be sand.

Kolro: Hey, is everyone ok?

I looked around to see if my friends were ok, and we all started to get up.

Nathan: Is everyone alright?

Kolro: it looks like we're all fine.

Samantha: where are we?

Syd: it looks like some cave system we're in.

David: but the question is, how will we get out?

Syd: I think I know how.

We then all look to Syd for an answer.

Syd: Notice that we're standing on the sand, right?

Kolro: right.

Syd: Not only that but do you guys smell the water?

We started to smell what seemed to be seawater.

David: it smells like the beach.

Nathan: So I'm guessing all this sea water is coming from the ocean somewhere in this cave.

Syd: correct, if we travel through this cave and see an opening that exits out into the sea, A.K.A. our escape.

Kolro: well, let's not wait here. Let's get going.

We then started to walk through the cave and had to swim or cross through large bodies of water until we began to see a glowing light reflecting off the walls of the cave. We got closer until we found what was creating the light.

 We got closer until we found what was creating the light

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Samantha: Woah, they're so pretty. I wish I could take one to go.

Nathan: Since we have this strength, I'm sure you can easily pull it out.

Samantha then pulled out one of the crystals and pocketed it.

Kolro: We'll try to find a way out of here.

Kolro then pointed to the cave tunnels.

Kolro: also, can you do me a favor and see if that other tunnel leads anywhere?

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