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Author's POV

Loud footsteps and yelling from the maids echoed in the palace. The atmosphere was tense and everyone were worried if their prince will like the decoration or not. In the mean time, they really didn't care about the choices of the king, Jeon Jungkook, cause they sensed that the Alpha was a stereotypical one. They were like 'We are gonna focus on...we are gonna focus on their prince'

The ceremony is being held in the middle of the sacred lake of Samji. A lake in Park Empire where the first marriage between wolves was held. And this time too, another royal marriage was taking place. LMAO anyways, so lets move to the opposite side of the palace where Taemin is giving a lecture to the guards

"SOLDIERS! ATTENTION!!" He yells dramatically. The soldiers buff their chest up, face high. Taemin clears his throat and says "Today, my best friend and for you'll, The Prince Park Jimin is getting married. I want everything to be perfect. I hope you know whats the meaning of perfect. So, if there some stupidity in the marriage because of the silly mistakes then...I'll personally throw each and every one of you in the pool of piranhas. Is that clear?"

"YES GENERAL!!" They yelled back making the Alpha flinch. He dismissed the guards and walked towards Jimin's room.
Jimin was being prepared by the maids as they carefully place the ornaments in its perfect place as two other ladies fix his heavy hanbok. One of the maid was around 70s when she spoke "Your Eomma, or I can call Late Queen wore the same hanbok you are wearing now. I still remember, the beautiful blush she had on the day her wedding. She was l-literally g-glowing." A tears drop fell from her eyes making Jimin's eyes to moisten too. Slowly he hugged her making her gasp in shock and the others too.

He said "Thanks for taking care of my mother. She..told me that you've helped her a lot when I was born." She smiled through her tears and said "I did helped her and those were the most beautiful moments I spend in this castle. Everyone moment, there was only smile and your beautiful giggles." With that, Jimin laughed too giving her and last hug as Taemin burts the door open with a big smile in his face as he squealed "Ohmygod- my my! You look so beautiful, uwu."

Jimin slaps his chest and says "Remember, right after my marriage, your coronation will start too." Taemin tsked and says "That's a secondary thing, Minnie. But today you are getting married, ahh!"

Jimin shakes his head expecting the behaviour from his best friend. On the other hand, Jungkook had a smirk on his face cause the man looked perfect. Everything was styled neatly as his cloth showed dominance. His wore a dark red hanbok that had floral design with golden threads. His crown settled perfectly over his head as he breathed a deep sigh.

When he turned he saw Hae-Jin sitting on his bed with a fallen face. It surely did hurt Jungkook seeing his pup so sad, but...he have to marry, its their tradition. Right after few seconds, Hyung-Sik came in with a fan in his hand. He walked towards Jungkook as the Alpha kneeled down, to have the same height as him

"Appa, t-the...the p-piest asked me to give this..this...to you" Hyung-Sik said. Jungkook chuckled taking the fan as he said "Hyungie, its priest okay? No piest." The pup gave him an embarrassing smile with a nod as he sat beside Hae-Jin.

"Appa, from today we...two eommas?" Hae-Jin asked. Jungkook nodded as he sat beside them and said "Yes, Jinnie. Both of you...will have two Eommas now..."

Hyung-Sik asked "But...I don't like...our new eomma. He doesn't listens to you, appa. Why marry him?" Jungkook bites his lips, thinking what excuse to them as he surely can't tell them the truth why he was marrying the crown prince of Park Empire and then he says "That's because...your appa loves your new eomma, pups."

"And our eomma?" They clearly did asked about Hye-kyo as he took another breath and said "I love her too...I love both of them and want them to be with me, forever."

Suddenly someone clears its throat as Jungkook say Hye-kyo standing in front of the room. He nods giving her permission as she walks slowly and motions the pup to leave. As soon as they were gone, Hye-kyo says "Alpha, please..please stop this..please dont marry him...please."

Jungkook frowns and asks "And what made you think that I'll go with your choice, omega?" Hye-kyo close her eyes, tears trying to spill out of her as she knew this was coming. She suddenly kneels and says "Use me, don't love me, just use me as your harem but please...please don't marry that prince, Alpha...please I beg you.."

Her face was already damped with hot tears, by the time when another maid came inside with some more important jewellery related to the rituals and makeup. The maid slowly looks at the Jeon Queen, crying, kneeling as she looks a Jungkook asking for permission to proceed with his setup. He nods as she applies a not so sticky juice raspberry as applies coal on his eyes for a little more smoky look. She nods when she saw that he was already holding the handfan and then gives him a ring as a finally jewellery to wear

"There is still time for the ceremony to start, your majesty. Our officials will call you when it's time. I may take my leave" She says and leaves immediately. Hye-kyo stays motionless on the floor as Jungkook spoke "I've never loved you, Omega. Never will, and I'm well aware of your obsession towards me and you'll do anything to stop this marriage. Its better if you don't try something stupid. You know what will be the consequences if you try to"


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